I was diagnosed with PSP 7 months ago. Wow. Seems like 7 years ago. This picture is of my Dad and my oldest daugher, Katy, a week before he died fom cancer the summer of 2010; I refer to my father's experience of dying in this blog.
I have patiently explained what PSP is, or what the difference is between Parkinson's and a Parkinson's Plus disorder, and specifically, PSP. I also referrenced several links to those close to me to become informed with what is, where I'm at, and where I'm heading.
My diagnosis was not embraced well; I expected that. I'm youthful 54; my girls are 21 and 20. We had one direct conversation about it in the beginning, with smaller discussions as some of my symptoms have worsened, etc. They are freaked-out about it and I get that. My oldest, Katy, has special needs and I've been her touchstone for just about everything. I know she is very scared about losing me, as is my other daughter, so I've opted to stay strong, share less, and allow them to feel as happy and secure as they can, until I have another regression of signifcance that will require discussion.
The others in my life, family, my Mother, friends, are perplexing me & starting to get on my nerves. I have not been overly emotional about my chance of fate, and reserve my worrying and emotions to myself, my best friend, my therapist, and my Doctor.
What I've been experiencing with others outside those mentioned is reverse empathy, if that makes any sense. They become so upset about my illness, I find myself comforting them and telling them it's going to be okay...yet it's starting to get annoying.
The only thing I can compare it too is the passing of my Dad who had just turned 73 the summer of 2010. He was diagnosed for the 1ST TIME with stomach & liver cancer and was at end stage 4+ on 6-30-10, and passed 8-2-10, cognizant right up til the end. He lived a distance away, wouldn't have anything to do with hospice or hospitals, so my sister and I divided the week carry for him, or the minimal amount he'd let us do for him.
Time and again, I heard him over the phone reassuring/comforting family members who called him, and/or reassuring/comforting friends who'd stop by on a daily basis. It was surreal. I felt frustrated for him. I thought "his dying is HIS experience, tho deeply affecting so many others, but he's the one it's happening to". Get what I mean?
One night toward the end, we were sitting on his deck in the evening in rural northern MN watching the wildlife he cared so much come into feed. Deer, which he always put food out for & called "My Ladies", a family of fox, a generations of chipmunks he feed peanuts to that were so comfortable with him, they'd climb on his lap and retrieve the nuts from his shirt pocket.
He turned to me and said, "You know what I'm getting tired of? Trying to make people feel better about what is happening to me; it takes a lot of energy."
Human nature I guess, but now I understand fully what he meant by that. I can't fix someone's feelings about what's happening to me. I still need to get focused and centered on my own feelings about this and doing all I need to do to live well and slow this down. If I provide resources to others to become informed with what I'm experiencing,t besides what I verbal to people, please read it so I don't feel like I have to start over with explaining it.
Has anyone else felt this way? Am I being on the harsh-side with those close to me in my life? I'd really appreciate some input.