Mum has been great lately so good infact that it was my nephews 21st Birthday and we managed to get Mum to the party for a few hours. Mum is nill by mouth now but we knew she wouldn't be happy if she couldn't have a taste of her Bailey's so we brought one of the sponges on the stick with us to dip into her Bailey's for a taste - she loved it. She enjoyed being around the family but for the first time ever I noticed that she felt uncomfortable around our friends and strangers at the party. I found this hard as I realise that it will probally one of the last times we will have Mum at a family celebration. We have had a very quiet Mum since then and she has got yet another ear infection.Think we are have a hard few months ahead of us all but thats life living with a wonderful Mum with PSP.
Good days a step too far ?: Mum has been... - PSP Association
Good days a step too far ?

How wonderful that your Mum was able to be at your nephew's 21st birthday and that she enjoyed a taste of her favourite tipple. I hope that you all feel it was worth the effort that you and she made. I have often noticed that my Mum is quieter after having visitors or an outing so hopefully your Mum will "pick up" after she has had a rest and recovered from the ear infection. It is a roller-coaster ride that we are all on that's for sure.
Sounds like you are doing a great job for a wonderful mum. The condition does seem to make people start to feel uncomfortable around people they don't know. I know with dad he preferred to be in his own room as he was worried that people might start to talk to him and he couldn't talk back or get his thoughts out. I am sure she was pleased to be there, and having a suck of her Bailey's
Dad too used to get very tired and quiet after going out to events or meeting people. Some of this was because he used to try really hard to concentrate and listen and say something back and it took it out of him. It would take a little time for him to come back round a bit. I know when dad used to get Chest and Urine Infections this also used to quieten him as well.
It sounds like you are having a bit of a time of it. I hope your mum's ear infection gets better. Take care of yourself too.
Lesley x
A problem shared by us all. it is difficult to realise how much effort is given by our loved ones when trying to communicate, this is the only time when hubby gets angry when the words are in his head and not his mouth. I hope all infections will clear quickly and she will hold good memories of her outing with a loving family. x lovely that your Mum went to the party. I'm sure she enjoyed being around the family & sounds as though she enjoyed her Tipple!! Frank is always very tired for a few days after going out so doesn't bother with parties vey often. We did go to my niece's a couple of weeks ago as it was her baby's 1st birthday & he didn't want to miss it but we only stayed a couple of hours. We sat at the end of the room so Frank didn't feel so conspicuous & he enjoyed a glass of Guiness. I must admit though that it took my son & my brother about 20mins or so to get him back into the car & I'd parked right outside the front door!!! ( My niece had moved her car round the corner ).
I agree that it is hard to see the effect PSP has on people around you....they never know what to say so usually steer clear.
Do hope the infections clear soon. Take care & keep smiling. Love Hazel B xx
Thank you all for your messages and support as always , Mum's ear infection is clearing now but with the weather changing we are bracing ourselfs for the round of Chest infections that will be on their way and hoping that Mum finds the strenght to fight them . As you all know with every infection they tend to get that bit weaker. Take care everyone speak to you all soon xxx