Forgetting...: My poor mother in law seems... - PSP Association

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Bubbles1 profile image
10 Replies

My poor mother in law seems to get worse on a daily basis. Falling many times a day and frequently weeping. Her new anti depressants have been increased several times lately to no avail. Today a new symptom (?) she didn't know who her granddaughter (my daughter) was today, She didn't know she even had a granddaughter! - I was totally floored by this. Is this a symptom of PSP?



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Bubbles1 profile image
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10 Replies
hazelb profile image

Hi Bubbles....sorry I can't help on this one. My husband always knew everyone but he wasn't on any drugs as such. Could it be a symptom of the drugs ? Perhaps a PSP nurse could help.Why not try messaging one of them on this site.

Take care. Love Hazel B xx

john_z profile image

Hi,Bubbles, memory loss is not a symptom of psp.My father has psp and his memory is excellent.I have also read many psp stories and i don't remember anyone to mention weak memory as a part of psp.As hazelb wrote,maybe it's a result of a drug.My best wishes to you and your family,John.

Kathy profile image

Hi Bubbles,

It may be that your mother-in-law is suffering from an infection - chest or urine are the usual culprits! Either way the infection can really "knock them sideways" and cause increased confusion and magnify ALL the symptoms of PSP. If your mother-in-law is quite elderly she may be having age-related memory problems which are nothing to do with the PSP.

However, as this seems to have occurred quite suddenly I would think infection is more likely. I would suggest you contact her GP.

Take Care

Love to all of you

Kathy x

Bubbles1 profile image

Hi Guys

Thank you for your responses :-)

She is on Clonazepam which the docotor has increased this several times, she is only 65. Will need to speak to GP about the possibility of an infection, although she hasn't complained of anything like that (no coughs, phelm or urine probs).

Many Thanks


Kathy profile image
Kathy in reply to Bubbles1

Hi Bubbles,

As far as I am aware Clonazepam is a sedative rather than an antidepressant. Mum takes it to prevent nightmares. Talk the GP or perhaps discuss it with the PSP nurse for your area. (Contact details available on the PSP website

Dad is on anti depressants and takes Citalopram which seems to suit him very well

good luck

love Kathy

dllera profile image
dllera in reply to Bubbles1

Hi Bubbles - my dad was on clonazepam - it is a muscle relaxant not at antidepressant. We used clonazepam for muscles spasms, rigidness and some anxiety. My dad used Amitriptlyne for his anitdrepressant which worked really well (we were on doxipin before that) Also check for a UTI - UTI's can cause confusion and some weird behavior. Memory loss is not a symptom of PSP but you can have PSP and other conditions. Check for infection first and then maybe look to see if she has some other underlying issues.

Good luck,


jillannf6 profile image


I am 66 and have not forgotten important people

But I have forgotten what people ha ve told me



suwils profile image

Hello bublbles - prior to my PSP diangosis I used to pride myself on my memory of appointments etc; however I have noticed in the past couple of months that my mind is like a sieve. I forgot a friend was picking me up to take me out for lunch - she sent me a phone text message which only then jogged my memory! Went to visit another friend just this afternoon who seemed so disappointed that I hadnt taken over something that she onlly aske me for yesterday! When she mentioned it today it seemed like it was news to me!!! I need to tell my husband,who is now my full time carer, so he can put these things on the walll calendar - only problem with that is I dont always remember to telll him at the time! Oh the joy of PSP - you have to laugh or cry - not sure which sometimes!! love SueW xxx

CateT profile image

I forget things all the time and Im 40 :) I think its normal. My mum has psp and her long term memory is excellent. She never seems confused and knows exactly who everyone is.

CateT profile image

Suwils and Jill, you probably have so much to think of as psp certainly brings lots of appointments so I'm sure its difficult to keep track. You are both inspirational!

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