For quite sometime, I have been feeling that perhaps I should write herein a love story I know of that centers on a husband who cares 24×7 for his wife suffering from a neurodegenerative disease and the lady physiotherapist who visits routinely at their home for a therapy session of his wife. His wife eventually comes to know about the illicit relationship between the two, often points out to her husband about the infidelity, yet the affair continues unabated. The main idea behind writing the love story will be to expose that when a husband/wife suffering from a neurodegenerative disease speaks about cheating of his wife/her husband having a relationship with a person of opposite sex who often visits him/her for providing a professional service, there may be an element of truth in it and that there are great possibilities for development of such relationships among such people living under stressful conditions. The story will also reveal how a husband or a wife while caring 24×7 for his or her spouse is under stress and how that stress can prove a compelling reason for destressing via developing a love relationship. The story will also expose how a health professional, particularly a female, who is a married one exploits the hopeless and gloomy condition of a wife afflicted with a neurodegenerative disorder who can not sit or stand, can't do any of the ADL activities unassisted, by falling in love with her spouse mostly for getting financial benefits in the form of expensive gifts like jewellery items, pretty fashionable dresses, costumes, variety of eatables and drinks etc. The story could be an eye opener for the people having a family member suffering from a neurodegenerative disease. I wonder should I write the story herein for the benefits of the fellows with a neurodegenerative family member?
Caregiving, Physiotherapy, Destressing and... - PSP Association
Caregiving, Physiotherapy, Destressing and Romance

I'm sorry, in my opinion no I don't think you should or at least not to publish on here. I don't think it would be helpful and could bring further anguish where there is enough already IMHO
I agree with Millidog - write down the story if it helps you get this insight off your chest - but don't publish it. I do not believe your best intentions could possibly justify the hurt such a story might cause. 💜🌻
In my opinion, it would be totally wrong to even consider writing something like this on here. It could cause a lot of distress. The person with PSP is going through enough, without throwing something like this into the mix.
Firstly, I agree with everyone's opinions that it would be wrong to write a story such as the one you propose. There are many carers being unjustly accused of infidelity by their PSP patients due to FTD disorders and I can tell you first hand that the mental hurt this brings is enormous.Secondly, I find it weird that you would even think this would be a good idea. If you are having issues then you need to address them.
This forum is not for this purpose.
Why? Just feels like sensationalism, you don’t need to add more drama to this situation. It’s their story and not for you to tell.
Best left unwritten PineEater. Be kind to yourself now dear, I don't know how PSP has entered your life but try focus on the good if you can.
Pine Eater, this sounds like a really bad idea. If you want to get something off your chest, I strongly suggest a Therapist. One from outside your current situation.