A little overwhelmed and looking for a little advise on how best to help my mother.
My mum has been diagnosed with PSP in July 24 after wrongly being diagnosed with FTD for 4 years.
she spent 1 year in hospital due to no home care being available in her area and then regretfully we were somewhat forced into a care home. They are now trying to charge us full but I believe she should be eligible for CHC funding. But being met with a fight from social.
She is currently in a dementia care home that can not care for her needs and we keep being slapped with escalating bills. The care home have said they anre not right annd even requested extra funding themselves to try annd anccomodate her. I’m fighting for a move to nursing but feels like a cat and mouse as if I can’t pay they won’t move her. unfortunately she Is now in the latter stages with a 12 month prognosis and clearly her needs are being overlooked.
Additionally and sadly she also suffered abuse in her previous home to which legal cases are under way. I feel the social don’t want to touch us with a barge pole and are hoping we just go away.
I don’t know what to do. Every corner we turn we have to humanise her again and again to try and be heard and get some co-ordination in her care. She’s is fully cognitive but more and more locked in and I feel like I am failing her. . All the while her needs are not being met by the people who are opposed to help.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated , how do I get her into a good nursing facility for PSP, her needs met and get them to co-operate?