hello, my husband is now in the hospital, on oxygen and what seems endless antibiotic’s. They have told us that he is nearing the end, he keeps having spasms in his feet, has anyone else experienced this? Any advice greatly received. Thank you.
final phase: hello, my husband is now in the... - PSP Association
final phase

My thoughts are with you. Yes the muscle spasms were much worse as my mum got to her final days. If he is not yet on a syringe driver with high dose pain relief then please ask about this. Is the palliative care team involved?
Thank you for your reply, he is in the cardio care ward at the moment, I will ask about the syringe driver. Haven’t seen anyone from the palliative team. It’s all happened so fast and I am not sure they are really experienced in all the aspects of PSP. I asked today if his neurologist has been informed that he is in but no one seemed to know. Back up to the hospital tomorrow and I think I need to get some answers.
You will need to push as they will have no idea. Good for the neurologist to be aware but I suspect they may not have much they can do at this stage. The palliative care team are the best people to assess him and provide the best support and advice for you both.
My husband was on a SD he had Keppra for seizures increased clonazepam. In the hospice he had midazolam and morphine added which he could have additional doses when needed. He had terrible secretions they used Glyco to try to manage it.
Dear Purp23, so sorry to hear you and your husband are going through this heartbreaking stage. My thoughts are with you. Regarding the spasms in his legs - it could be dehydration and it could be a natural part of final stages.
I was privileged to sit with my sister during her final day (she died from lung cancer in 2020) and her leg spasms were quite distressing and would almost make her fall out of bed, and she couldn't sleep or rest. I spend most of the day holding and massaging her feet and legs - and chasing the home for pain relief. When they did get the pain relief dose right, her legs relaxed - she said "oh I'm feeling good" and she had a few hours sleep (holding my hand). So yes, push for the right support so you can spend the time knowing he is peaceful. 💔🫂
Purp23Sorry to learn of your husband' condition. Does he have a cardiac problem also ? I ask that as he is in Cardiocare ward as u stated in your reply to messier. What medicines is he on? Best wishes to you and your husband.