I am taking a lot of vitamins but haven't found the one that works yet? anyone out there that has used anything else?
Looking for a cure: I am taking a lot of... - PSP Association
Looking for a cure
I give my wife vitamin D because it's so dark here during the winters. I'm sorry to inform you that vitamins are not a treatment for PSP.
Attiewill, Keep following this forum as there will be useful information from time to time. I am sorry to say, as you will learn there is very little in the way of drugs and medication that will help PSP - except anti-depressants if you get down. The only thing you can do to slow it down is keep taking as much exercise as the disease will allow. Good luck!
Hi attiewill, I gave my wife (PSP) Turmeric capsules containing Ginger and pepper. Given primarily to my wife to aid cognition, but the main purpose of the Turmeric is to aid digestion etc., which is a good thing. I was up through the night too often changing the bed due to accidents. After starting the Turmeric she would wake me when wanting the toilet - no more accidents for a long time. So she was more aware.I also gave her non medicinal Cannabidiol (CBD) 15% (she found this better tasting than the 5%) and then later CBD+CBDa 20%. After starting on he 5% we all noticed and improvement in speech & movement. I think it helped maintain a better quality of life for her for longer but did not lengthen her life. Progression continued with, I believe, a quicker tail off at the end. Changing from to 15% & then to 20% made no observable difference. My observations are purely subjective. Others have observed no responses. The later in the progression you administer it the lower the response and there is no guarantee there will be a response, as all (PSP) patients differ.