A house finch hit my plate glass window
It broke a wing and a foot
In my stupor I waited for the finch to gain consciousness
Finally, after several minutes, the finch opened its eyes
It wobbled, couldn’t fly
I was not sure what to do
I hastily grabbed a pretreated aloe vera tissue and wrapped the injured finch inside my fist, quite loosely
As I gripped the small little creature inside of my fist, I held it outside of my car window
On our way to the neighborhood vet, as close to my house as possible. The finch’s eyes and mine connected as it was absorbing false wind made by travel. A shiver went down my spine
The clerk behind the counter at the vets office removed the Kleenex and replaced it with a harsh cloth. The poor thing was gripped too tightly (in my opinion)
It was taken to the back of the room where a vet could tend to it. I sat and waited anxiously
When the clerk finally appeared I was told they were doing their best. If it survived they would set it free.
I know the finch didn’t make it. Was it set free?