Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes. They mean so much to Liz and I.
You are such wonderful people.
I am going to read some of the posts to Liz today - She is still very aware and still with us.
I am doing short visits three times a day. Liz prefers that as she does not like the Victorian idea of folk sitting with her for hours. She still prefers a good audio book or Coronation Street!
Good News:
Liz was very aware that with her bottom lip trapped she could not get food or fluids. Last night when I went to see her she hat all but freed her lip herself. Together we finished freeing it. I then ran off and got a nurse and she treated it as best she could. It had ballooned up inside her mouth and was horribly bitten. They then gave her morphine for the pain and started getting fluids into her using a large syringe (no needle). So now she is not slipping away feeling thirst and hunger.
What jubilation!
I left her listening to Jo Brands book, "Born Lippy". The irony was not lost on Liz!
I'm having to take my turn seeing her at the moment. Friends and her sisters and nieces are all queuing up to visit her. Everyone is bathing her with love as are you wonderful folks.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Liz and Kevin