My husband has a lot of pain in his neck, and limited mobility. Some of that is due to PSP (he is in his 6th year), some of it due to arthritis. Has anyone had any experience with injections for pain management-- such as cortisone type? Sedation is involved. Also recommended if these injections don't work is a neurotomy , where they will burn the nerve ending. Thanks for your input
Pain management : My husband has a lot of... - PSP Association
Pain management

We just used a combination of ice and heat plus an over the counter pain medicine to help with soreness. Massage did wonders too.
Hi my husband has a lot of pain in his neck, shoulders and ankles, we use morphene, and ibuprofen gel, and paracetamol as they back up the morphene, doesn’t always work but helps.
Love and hugs
Helen xx
+1 for Reusable Cold Pack and Hot Pack ( available on Amazon ) for neck pain relief ( especially the cold pack. We also used muscle relaxant spray and gentle massage every day for mom in addition to the cold pack.
I found getting the hospice involved for pain management was fantastic, mum was the same, pain patches work well and a double strength oramorph inbertween if necessary if which she only had to take one mil of for breakthrough pain. If she could not open her mouth as her jaw started to lock in the end stages a district nurse came ou to give mum an injection twice a day.
Yes my husband had cortisone ( I believe they called it steroid) shots in his hands. His hands were hurting unbearable and it helped the relieve a lot. It's been roughly 5 to 6 months ago, he's holding out as long as he can on having it done again. So far the pain is manageable. My husband is in anywhere from 4 to 5 years (probably 5 years) of PSP. Hope that helps
My husband had botox injections twice, both times for painful muscle spasm in his neck. Two years ago, it helped. This year, it made him dramatically worse. Hope you find a good solution.
My husband has pain in the neck too. Botox injection made it worse. What help him are: ice, massage, Voltaren gel and CBD with THC cream .