He's gone...: My dad passed away just before... - PSP Association

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He's gone...

Martha_k_uk profile image
•37 Replies

My dad passed away just before 9pm tonight.

I'm not sure how I feel, sitting here with him now waiting for the undertaker to collect him.

Nothing seems quite real 😢

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Martha_k_uk profile image
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37 Replies
Yvonneandgeorge profile image

Martha I am so sorry, you have been so strong through this journey, he is away from this horrible illness, grieve in your own way, we are all here for you, saying a prayer for you all. May your dad rest in peace. Yvonne xxxx

daffodil48 profile image

I am so sorry. Sorry that you had to deal with all this sh.. that is PSP. I know that I will be in your shoes one of these days. Stay strong. He is at peace now.

doglington profile image

So sorry, Martha. The numbness helps us to cope.

You have been a rock.

lots of love and a big hug from Jean xx

enjoysalud profile image

Hi Martha, I am so sorry. I can relate to your feelings/description. For me, when my 55 year old son died at home and I was waiting for the funeral home to come get him, I felt "THIS ISN'T REAL. IT'S LIKE I AM EXPERIENCING A NIGHTMARE. I'M GOING TO WAKE UP". But it was real, and yet even now, close to 12 months later, I still will wake up in the morning with those same feelings.

It took over 5 hours for the funeral home to retrieve my son's body ....1:30AM.

When my dad died of Prostrate cancer (at 92) I did not have those type of feelings.

Keeping you in my prayers.


Teeker profile image

Hi Martha, so sorry for your loss. At least now your dad is free of this horrible disease and can rest in peace. I know that one day I will be in your situation and I am dreading it. Give yourself time to grieve. Sincere condolences to you and your family. I am sending big hug to you. Esther(Teeker)xxxx

Marie_14 profile image

Hayley I am so very sorry. At least your Dad is free of this awful thing and free of his pain and suffering? RIP.

You will feel numb for a while. Let it take over as there will be pain enough ahead. Bless you and keep in touch.

Marie x

aliciamq profile image


Dadshelper profile image

You have my deepest condolences.


raincitygirl profile image

Dear Hayley,

I send my sincere condolences for your family's loss, and hugs for your sad time. You could not have been more present for him; more loving, nor more giving. You saw it through to the end.

Bless you,

Anne G.

Mikey12345 profile image

Martha, my prayers and condolences are with you and your family. The only positive is that his suffering is over and he is now at peace.

I can relate to the numbness as I experienced that with my parents passing. It took time to reach acceptance and then gratitude that they were in a better place.

Bless you for all you did which was the best anyone can do.



Zeberdee profile image

Martha I am so sorry to read that your dad has passed away. He knew you were with him and how much loved he was but he suffers no more. More sincere thoughts to you and your family. Bear hug to you Jxx

LostinHeadSpace profile image

So sorry for your loss. Love and peace to you.

Spiralsparkle profile image

Massive hugs to you.

I would imagine that even though you knew your Dad was in his last days it is still a big shock for your body to have to endure. Grief and bereavement has many parts and you have already be grieving for your Dad during his journey with this awful illness.

Be kind and gentle to yourself and do whatever it is you need to do to help you through this next chapter.

We are all here when you need us.

Much love xxx

D0ttieL0ttie profile image

Tough times ahead and so if you can focus on all of the good and positives things that will remind you of your dad and make you smile it might help. .

Sending lots of virtual hugs and love


Oh Martha, it's so sad isn't it. My Dad died 4wks ago & it's devastating. Even though you know it's a relief for your Dad, it's such a big hole left behind. It takes time to come to terms with, it's the hardest time ever & I'm thinking of you. Please message me if you need to talk.


Tippyleaf profile image

Sending love and hugs to you at this difficult time


Melhukin profile image

So sorry for your loss x

Richanne profile image

Bless you. I'm glad he's out of the struggle and you too. It's nearly three weeks for us and a strange new normal settling in.

Look after yourself. I hope you can rest.

Rosemary Rx

homesupport223 profile image

So sorry to hear of your loss. Sincere condolences to you and your family.


JR61 profile image

May you find comfort in having done your best for your dad, that you were there for him when he needed you and that he is now finally free from his suffering. Sincere condolences. Ruth x

Katiebow profile image

Very sad to hear your dad has given up his fight against this terrible disease but he is in a much better place now away from pain and suffering. You have been a huge to him and were there in his final hours which must have been a huge comfort to him. I wish you strength over the next few days, weeks and months as you grieve for a dad you obviously loved deeply. Take good care of yourself Martha.

Love Kate xxx

Satt2015 profile image

Dear Martha, I’m so very sorry but at least your dad is now free of this evil disease.

Sending much love to you x

DawnHW profile image

Hi Martha, Sending sincere condolences and big hugs - I've been following your posts closely as my dad is at a similar stage and I've been relating your experience to my sisters. I hope you find some time in the near future to look after yourself, and reflect on the good times.

Dawn x

Blots profile image

I’m so sorry. I hope that in time you can start to focus on your memories of happier times with him.

Esra profile image

Dear Martha,

My mom has an aspiration problem those days. I am feeling bad. I know, we are facing a final stage of the disease .

Sincere condolences to you and your family. I am sending big hug to you.


Heady profile image

Hi Martha, I am sorry to hear that your Dad has passed away. May he rest in peace, finally free from this evil disease.

The surreal feeling you have got, will get you through the dark days ahead, until you are strong enough to cope with the pain. Our bodies/brains are wonderful machines, they know what you can and can't tolerate, listen to them and go with the flow. It's all perfectly normal.

Sending big hug and much love

Lots of love


Cjhorseygirl profile image

Hi Martha

So very sorry for your loss. I lost my dad to this vile disease in December. It’s so hard but try to take comfort in the fact that he is now free from the frustrations and suffering of living with PSP.

You were there for him through his journey and that counts for a lot.

Be kind to yourself, sending hugs.


NanBabs profile image


I`m so sorry to hear this but you did your best for your Dad and no-one can do more than that.


1941mary profile image

I’m so sorrry Martha for your loss .

Take care of yourself and may your Dad rest in peace .

Love and peace to you too.


Beads0122 profile image


I am so sorry for your loss. I only know you from your kind and reassuring posts on this forum, but I am sitting here crying(I have become more emotional lately). Prayers of wisdom and strength coming your way,


daddyt profile image

So very sorry for your loss xx

Sorry to hear. First the numbing shock then the grief.

bryval profile image

Martha you're quite right - nothing seems real does it? I'm so sad for your loss and even though his suffering has gone ours is just beginning. I lost my darling Valerie 3 weeks ago and still can't stop crying. Let us hope our loved ones are finally at peace and that in time we only remember the good times.

Love and hugs Bryan

A big hug.


Reidallison profile image

Sincere condolences, I'm so sorry for your loss,

You are in my thoughts and prayers

Hugs, Alli

Samila profile image

Sending you the biggest hug in the universe to envelope you and give you strength.

Remind yourself you were amazing and he is watching over you all the time, nearer and closer from any aspect you could imagine.

Accept any kindness , help and support from anywhere is coming to you.

He is in peace and can't see you suffering any longer .

Take care xx

tlovins profile image

Peace to you as this journey has ended for your family. I hope your feelings, are soon replaced with many happy memories of your dad.

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