I'm so frustrated with mums social worker. Mum was on short term placement for four weeks which has now actually turned into six weeks. I found her a bed at another home so contacted social services to let them know, so that they could assess mum and hopefully agree to take her in. This was two weeks ago, we probably will have lost the bed now. They told me that the Assessment panel only meet once a week and they will decides mums fate. This was last week, I have called everyday and left messages and no one is calling me back. Mum is getting angry with ME because she is still there and doesn't understand why it's taking so long to move her. I am doing all I can. What else can I do? Advice please?
Social worker never calls back!: I'm so... - PSP Association
Social worker never calls back!

Agree. Not good enough!!! Can you get to SPEAK to someone on the phone, rather than leaving a message. If so, speak to the one in charge or one on the panel. Otherwise, see if your mum's doctor can get more leverage!
Hang in there! And keep pushing!
Guess what she returned my call today. She said the panel have agreed to move her to the home I wanted but it's only on a week by week basis? Which means mum is still paying rent on her sheltered housing until they make a permanent decision. I am confused if mum was safe to go home why have they not let her? We all know she's not safe as she falls everyday , lives on her own been in and out of hospital, how many more accidents does she have to have before they say" we believe she needs 24 hour care" is this just so they aren't liable for paying? I'm so frustrated and confused. What should I do?
How annoying! Could you ask the manager of the home she is in now to try and contact the social worker. If she was only booked in for 4 weeks maybe they can say she has to move. Just a thought.
Hope you get a result soon.
Write to the head of the social Service Department and complain. Insist on a reply. 'Phone conversations are OK but one never knows whether messages get passed on, action discussed is treated with respect and treated with the seriousness needed. etc. If situation gets desperate bad try you local MP.
No one ever seems to return calls these days or do job to a standard we would hope for. I'd ask to speak to social worker in charge that day. I've done that in past and it got things moving.