I visited mum on Sunday and I've noticed that more and more often she is asleep or her eyelids just remain closed. On Sunday she just slept. I sat watching her for an hour feeling so sad and sorry for her. What must it feel like being trapped in your body unable to speak or do anything. How frightening. I left and sat in my car in the hospital car park, called my sister and cried until I could cry no more.
Yesterday I visited after work, I was extremely anxious. I went into mums room and the nurse was feeding her with pureed food. When I asked mum if I should take over she said as clear as daylight 'no' both me and the nurse laughed and so did mum. I knew it was going to be a good visit. Eventually she allowed me to take over. I chatted to her about what had been going on...told her the sad news that Deidre from Corrie had sadly passed away and again she clearly replied 'I know' (mum has a tv in her room) I asked if she saw it on the news and she replied 'yes' I cant tell you how happy it made me feel. We watched Emmerdale (one of her fav soaps) and she said 'Sam crossroads' The person on screen was in fact the character Sam but i reminded her it was Emmerdale and not Crossroads we both laughed.
When dad arrived she was in even better spirits she laughed when I cuddled and kissed her. When I left I was over the moon. Mum even waved as I left.
The reason I'm sharing this is I've started to realise that with PSP there will b good days and bad days. Yesterday was definitely a good day and I have to accept this will be a rollercoaster ride.