To all of the silent followers: Just wanted... - PSP Association

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To all of the silent followers

zjillian profile image
20 Replies

Just wanted to say hello to the rest of you. Knowing that you too are part of this group is a good feeling. Hang in there. You are not alone,


Costa Rica

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zjillian profile image
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20 Replies
nanonthenet1 profile image

When I am feeling tired, frustrated, sad, I come and check here out, it helps enormously and such a lovely bunch of people , So much sharing of info too, it has to be good, thanks all xx

zjillian profile image
zjillian in reply to nanonthenet1

Lately I have such a strong desire to meet everyone in person. Wouldn't that be great?


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to zjillian

Hi Jill, I echo your thoughts! Posting on this site, is not in my nature. I am a very private person, but I don't know how I would be coping now, without the help and support of everyone here.

In UK, the PSPA run support groups all around the country, so we go once a month to a meeting, (when in the country!) it's sad seeing the ones confined to wheelchairs, knowing that your loved one will be like them soon, but once you get over that, it's a great help, knowing and SEEING you are not alone!

It just feels like it at 3.00am in the morning, changing the bed, or jumping up every half hour to help him out of bed, because he has hurt his back and now his shoulder in two falls!!!!

I think that should be our next scream - " I AM NOT ALONE"

Lots of love


nomansland profile image
nomansland in reply to zjillian

that would be a gift !!!Rollie

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to nomansland

Hi Rollie, you have been a bit quiet, how's things?

Sending you a hug and lots of love!

Lots of love


nomansland profile image
nomansland in reply to Heady

Hi Heady,,s one of the periods in time that one begins to find a bit of acceptance...after 11 years !God only knows what tomorrow will bring but I will get through today with God,s help,love Rollie

Heady profile image
Heady in reply to nomansland

And ours Rollie!

Lots of love


nanonthenet1 profile image
nanonthenet1 in reply to zjillian

It would x

jillannf6 profile image

hi heady

i did not realise that you err a private person- you have been so helpful to all of us iwht your wisdom . htoghts / humour etc etc and we know we are not on our own!

how is S after his falls??

are you still in S AFRICA or are you back home now..

plz let us know

lol jill


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to jillannf6

Hi Jill, thank you for your kind words. Yes, we are still in South Africa. Just had my daughter and sister, with their partners over to stay. Had a brilliant two weeks. Now back on our own! S v v v tired, has fallen quite a bit and has hurt his back, probably a cracked rib, but Physio not worried! Now has fallen again and bruised his shoulder!!! Result, can't get out of bed, so I spent every half hour heaving him out of bed last night!!! So I'm feeling very depressed and extremely tired. Had him practicing how to get in and out of bed earlier, that just ended in a row, so we both went to sleep instead!

Remedy, I think I need more sleep and worry about life tomorrow!!! (If only!)

Lots of love


jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to Heady

So sorry Heady that the holiday is turning into a nightmare for u both

better tomorrow i hope for both of you

i have just spent 1 hour trying to edit the Ocado shopping order which arrives tomorrow and have to have the screen much larger so that i can see it at all- drives my partner mad and says it makes him feel v nauseous so have got him to edit it in normal screen size when i could not read what it said

(He gets v annoyed with me when i fall over and i shall have to have a rest now)

i am knackered as i have been to TAI CHI today - good 4 my balance - except when i fall over getting to my wheelchair in the session!

;lol jill


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to jillannf6

Not a nightmare Jill, just me feeling sorry for myself and missing my daughter and sister.

Tomorrow, I will put my positive clothes back on, today, I think I will have a glass of wine and worry about losing all the weight I have put on, when I get home. 'Course, then it's my birthday and Christmas. Oh well, January will be here soon enough!!!

Lots of love


jillannf6 profile image

hi heady!

when is your birthday and how old will you be"??

plz tell su all so that we can wish you a happy day

lol jill

and a glass of good s african wine sounds v good idea

jillannf6 profile image

hi heady!

when is your birthday and how old will you be"??

plz tell su all so that we can wish you a happy day

lol jill

and a glass of good s african wine sounds v good idea

Heady profile image

Hi Jill, yes a glass (or two) of white wine went down well! My birthday? Is Christmas Eve and I am going to 60! Already had a couple of celebrations with my family, planning on 60 different ones, but don't think I will be able to stand that sort of pace! Still I will try!!!

Lots of love


nanonthenet1 profile image

Oh, all you lovely friends, hope things will be ok, I'm still finding my way around here:) not easy after a well deserved glass of wine...

jillannf6 profile image


my 60th was great (unlike my 50th and30th)and i am def. having a party for my 69th next year as i may not be able to speak by my 70th so there is no problem there !

it must he odd habign your birthday so near to xmas but a great idea 2 have lots of mini celebrations

lol JIll


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to jillannf6

Hi Jill, kind of got use to having my birthday at Christmas. My parents were really good, Christmas didn't start until my birthday had finished!!! We did have a big celebration here, plus a little one. Got a big night planned for Christmas Eve, the rest are in the planning stage, but want another big one in January. Who knows what stage S will be like next year. Other years, since becoming an adult, have gone by barely noticed, so for once in my life, I'm taking control and demanding we celebrate it. Thankfully, all the family agree. Both my chrildren, plus all of my sisters will be there to help open the champagne on the day. The first ever, that we all be together, so very excited!!!

Lots of love


jillannf6 profile image

great heady

lovely to hear fm you

how did your birthday go by the way ?

was it a good one as they say?

i have,not been able to post or read emails and posts for weeks now and have just,go tmy puter and keybd back so have a lot f catching up to do

and an OCADO order to look at b4 it arrives tomorrow Jill


Heady profile image
Heady in reply to jillannf6

Yes Jill, my birthday was brilliant. Still having celebrations, trying for 60, but don't think I'll make that, but into double figures now. Not helping the diet though!!!

Lots of love


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