We went to church this morning. It was an all age service so the children stayed in with us throughout. It is a very informal Baptist church and the children are free to wander about (no pews, sofas up one end). A baby was being dedicated so Colin was watching instead of sitting with his eyes closed as he normally does. A boy of about three walked past and stopped to look at Colin. I realised the boy wasn't blinking, he was staring into Colin's eyes. Eventually the boy blinked and then ran off to get his 5 year old brother. They both stood looking at Colin with eyes wide open. By this time, Colin realised what they were doing and even smiled, something he rarely does. The 5 year olds eyes started to water and he ended up screwing his eyes up in an exaggerated blink before being dragged off by their dad who must have thought they were being very rude. Colin won!
A nice touch that brought tears to Colin's eyes. After the dedication, the mum took the baby around the congregation while a spiritual song of the parent's choice was being played by the band. When she got to Colin, she "stood" the baby on his lap and he managed to reach out and touch the babies hand. I had a tear in my eyes as well, but not of sadness.
Nanna B