Well, I've been up in the loft and an unbelievable amount of memories, rubbish, paperwork, it's all to be sorted, can you all come over to help, I'll supply the wine:))))))))) xxx
The house move..the saga..the second one i... - PSP Association
The house move..the saga..the second one in my married life, the decluttering, argggg

Wouldn't it be good if we could. Not sure if I'd be much help though. I decided to declutter 3 drawers in a side loft today but spent all the time reading our boys old school reports, local newspaper articles they featured in, graduation programmes etc etc. most of it is back in the drawers. I can't throw them out can I, even if our boys are now 40, 36 and 34.
I hope you have more success than I did. I think next time I try to declutter I'll pretend I'm moving to a caravan.
Nanna B
When we moved out to Turkey in 2004 I emptied a huge old farmhouse we had rented for 23 years. Actually the day I finally left it was still half full including around 2000 books. Here we still have a big house (bigger than planned as architect measured wrongly!) but I am very careful not to accumulate too much - though there are bookcases (all full) in almost every room. I hope I will never move from here. The thought of having to pack it all is too much.
When we moved out to Turkey in 2004 I emptied a huge old farmhouse we had rented for 23 years. Actually the day I finally left it was still half full including around 2000 books. Here we still have a big house (bigger than planned as architect measured wrongly!) but I am very careful not to accumulate too much - though there are bookcases (all full) in almost every room. I hope I will never move from here. The thought of having to pack it all is too much.
It sounds like you need my friend. She is fantastic at de-cluttering. I just say we need to do a particular room and of we go and she is so good at keeping on course. When its done she then takes the bags away with her so I don't rummage around in them and retrieve half back. So try doing it with a friend it might work out better plus the motivation is good. Janexx
I DECLUTTERED WHEN I MOVED IN IWHT MY PARTNER 2AND HALF YRS AGO AND HE DID THE SAME ( I DONT THINK) but w e ha d=ot the trid gof a lot of furniture which would not go into our new apartment and so it was done 1 books are still problem as he will ton get rid of one when he get s another r - the rule i have had for yrs and yrs'
and w e hav e been buying some more furniture to replace e, some old which we inherited with the apartment
it now is a lot better
4 sittign around in but not for me moving around i
such is life
What time and how much for a flight im there
Good luck with the sorting. We moved (and downsized) 6 years ago and the loft was packed, nothing but the Christmas stuff had seen the light of day. I considered it it hadn't been used in 14 years, it could go in the skip, cue hubby saying 'well we just might, so keep it!' Suffice to say I sent him out of the house to do something and cleared the lot - never looked back. Recently we moved from a large two bed apartment to our one bed retirement flat - so the downsizing went on again, only this time hubby not well enough to help, my one disappointment was how much kitchen equipment I had to give away - that was my comprimise moving her, a large kitchen down to a small, but perfectly formed kitchen. I'm rather a foody so had lots of gadgets and had to be realistic and cut down, however we have a storage cupboard (glory hole) and some of it is in there for a needs basis.
Hope you get on well, all the best.
Did someone mention wine? I'm there!!! I'll open the bottles and keep everyone topped up, not much good at sorting, sounds like much to much work!!!
Lots of love
Oh, What a party we would have and all the stories, we are going to a smaller place and oh yes, all the kitchen stuff, but, I will bring it and find a hides hole for it all haha, I'm a real foodie too and I think I might have to use my daughters kitchen in future, don't think she will mind. Heady, the bar is always open
we ARE having an online party on 6 december (SATURDAY) A T 3PM IF YOU CAN MAKE IT THEN....
Lovely, pizza, Will get my party frock out Jill x