Me And Iris.: Iris is what I named my C-PAP... - PSP Association

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Me And Iris.

JudyJ profile image
11 Replies

Iris is what I named my C-PAP machine. I decided to name it since we would be spending so much time together. Trying to remain positive, I chose the name "Iris" because purple iris is my favorite flower. And, the color purple is indicative of imagination and spirituality.

I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea in May, following a sleep study test, which I've been blogging about a long the way. Via a series of non-comedy errors with the oxygen company, I finally got the machine 15 days ago, so last night was my 14th night spent with Iris.

It has not been an easy journey with 'ol Iris. Definitely a love/hate relationship. I had to be fitted with the full face mask because of my tendency to drop my jaw open during sleep. It's designed to prevent that, or if it happens, I'm still breathing in the magic concoction between the C-PAP machine and the dehumidifier.

The first night, a few Fridays ago, was splendid! I woke up the following morning actually feeling rested. I felt more alert. Even colors seemed for vivid. In spite of the tediousness of the equipment itself, I saw what I believed to be great potential using the C-PAP. I thought "give me a week of this and I will start getting my energy back and good things will happen".

"Not so fast!", said Iris. The next 2 or 3 nights in a row, tho I've been getting help getting rigged up at night as I learn to do it myself, were epic failures. Air bubbles kept cropping up around the edges of the mast I had to adjust. The technician who set me up said if air bubbles, even one, develops during the night while I'm sleeping, the whole night is a bust and ineffective. So I worked hard many nights trying to stay ahead of the air bubbles.

I did call the company asking for advice on how to remedy this problem and/or try another mask but they didn't return my call. So why give up after once call? I've experienced very poor customer service from this company from the onset and am choosing to continue to work with it than frustrate myself some more with their employees.

I go back to them late July for a 'compliance check'; they'll run the computer chip to see if I'm in compliance with the insurance carrier. I'll bring all the gear at the time and insist on either getting this mask to fit better of try another one.

According to my Doc and the oxygen company, 'compliance' means using the C-PAP for a minimum of 4 hours every 24 or insurance won't cover it. After the wrong piece of equipment was ordered, delivered, reordered and they delayed I finally got it. For as many times as I talked with the oxygen people, I got a answering machine message late in the afternoon preceding my early appointment the next morning that..."I'm sure your Doctor's office told you there is a $200+ co-insurance payment due in the morning, so be sure to bring a credit card." HUH? Nope, my doc's office didn't tell me that and during the numerous times I talked to 2 different employees at the oxygen company over a number of weeks, neither did they.

After I got that message, I called back in a panic. I live on a modest social security disability check and to be told toward the end of the month I'd have to cough that up, really scared me. As well as really irritated me. My out-of-pocket medication costs alone are over $200, in addition to regular bills and, oh, luxuries like FOOD. I also didn't know if that meant $200 every month. I was assured it was a one time charge, then my co-payment would be $20-25 per month. More doable.

But when I arrived the Friday morning, I was told the person I spoke to the previous day was wrong, and after the initial $200 co-pay, it would be a co-pay of $100 a month.

Seriously folks, I don't think it needs to be this complicated and communications so damned unclear and frustrating. Don't we have enough on our plates trying to get by, as well as we can? There's enough built-in frustrations with PSP and all it encompasses as it is.

Back to the C-PAP machine. Tho so far I seem to only be getting 1 or 2 quality nights out of about 5, and I'd like to see that improve, it seems to be helping. I've not once woken up in the morning feeling like I was going to vomit, experiencing chest pain, and feeling out of breath. What a relief!! For a solid 5 or 6 weeks, with it's intensity increasing with time, I honestly felt upon wakening I was on the edge of a heart attack or stroke or some big system failure. Feeling those symptoms first thing in the morning, and consistently, had me scared, not to mention quite sick.

I see my Doc a few days after the compliance check, so he'll have the whole computer generated report. I was told I received the most sensitive system available, about a $6800 machine, so he should have a lot more data than the bleak info he received from the one night sleep study; hopefully these results won't be so bad.

The bottom line is now that I've had a taste of what physical effects a good C-PAP night can do, I want more, meaning consistency. I will admit because it's a tedious system in general and not the most comfortable thing to use/wear during a period of day you're supposed to be resting, I peeled Iris from my face and flung her across the room; the mask is attached to a long cord; my Iris can fly!

Kind thoughts to you all,


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JudyJ profile image
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11 Replies
JudyJ profile image

Oh, oh, oh! I forgot to mention a very positive affect of using the C-PAP machine over the past 14 nights.

Month ago as I researched PSP, I'd read that a symptom and/or complication of PSP is a very low, hard-to-hear, voice volume. Over these many months, it quietly, pun intended, happened to me.

3 separate mornings follow a good, non-leakage C-PAP night, I woke up with a louder voice volume. No kidding; can't be a coincidence.

The first morning it happened, my voice sounded so loud in my own ears, it was startling. I asked one of my daughter's about it. She said "Yes, and thank God. You've been talking so softly you've been driving us nuts."

It may seem like a small thing, but for me, it's a hopeful victory.

flicka profile image

To be a realist and an optimist is amazing you are both. Well done Judy and Iris. Flicka x

JudyJ profile image
JudyJ in reply to flicka

You are so supportive, flicka; can't tell you how much that means to me:)

As to your comment, I try; don't always succeed:)

Me and Iris will work it out...

peterjones profile image

good on yer judy it looks like your well on the way now with your c-pap machine oh for a gpod nights sleep my life is like being a carer and trotting someone to the toilet every few hrs or so thats one job i would not want but the end we all have to do what we have to\\ dont we \\\ not by choice and im sure all the other people who are carers would agree with me there\\ but when you love someone=-ts a whole different ball game ]\\ well judy i m not sure how i came on to this subject from a c-pap machine i think i will put it down to psp might as well a mate everything goes on the psp file even if mi have a stretch in the morning please dont try and answer this mate im to complicated peter jones queenswland australia take care of yourself all then best to you

JudyJ profile image
JudyJ in reply to peterjones

Thanks, Peter. Without any hesitation, my Doc said the sleep apnea is directly connected to PSP and/or it's progression.

You have been heavy on mind because I'd read an earlier post of yours about your experience/struggles with the whole C-Pap/mask/insurance carrier debacle. Well, I'm going through it now, for sure. Might get worse before it gets better, but, uh, I'm getting good at handling that; lol.


cabbagecottage profile image

Its not fair Judy is a phrase I use more and more these days , that's not me feeling sorry for myself , it is a fact .......

My husband sleep all night with his mouth wide open gurgling and wheezing . He hasn't got the strength or motor to clear it so neither of us get much sleep for the first few hours .

He says it isn't from his chest but his throat .. He manages during the day .. JUST ABOUT

JudyJ profile image

Has your husband been checked for sleep apnea/had a sleep study done? If not, I'd encourage you to pursue it.

From what you describe, it sounds obstructive. The majority of my apnea is nervous system related but some of it's from obstruction (have my tonsils, adenoids, deviated septum).

I can relate directly to what he refers to being about his throat. That's part of what I experience with my obstructive apnea. Phlegm or something gathers at the base of my throat and makes me feel like I'm choking and/or my mouth dries out horribly from sleeping with my mouth open.

In this regard, the good news is with the C-PAP machine, tho it's not user-friendly and a tedious pain in the bottom, I have NOT had anymore experiences with the phlegm-in-the-throat thing, dried out mouth/tongue.

Has to be hard trying to sleep with someone who cannot sleep for whatever reason. Sleep deprivation is the worst. Consider taking a break a few nights a week and flopping on a couch or in a different room to get a decent night's sleep? Just a thought; no shame in it all; you need to take care of yourself, too.

Best of luck to you,


cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to JudyJ

I have sent you a message but not sure if it went through or not .

cabbagecottage profile image

We have the occasional night when he will sleep in his chair I also have a chair . It doesn't seem to happen as much then . I cannot leave him to get on with it Judy . We have just start to have a carer at night to help get him onto the bed . I do sometimes have a nap in the afternoon . and if he wakes any other time he will stay put in the bed and wait for me to wake he tries not to be a bother all the time . I believe you can also get suction pumps .

JudyJ profile image

Didn't get your message; it may still show up.

I understand, truly I do. I throw suggestions out knowing situations are more complicated than can be posted, and respect you for your choice; know you have my empathy.

peterjones profile image

hi judy did you know that you might be able to get a smaller bill from your electricity account mate

or your supplier if you use a machine all night for the purpose of shall we say '' staying alive''

because with sleep apnea that s what we are doing because you can have a stroke with the apnea and you use oxygen ask your electricity supplier if they will allow his cut on your bill in my country we get 140 dollars a year towards the cost of the electricity bill thats from social security

if you get a letter from your dr to say that you need this machine but i doubt if you would get it from both of them its worth a try anyway matey thats if in your country they do this just thought i would mention this just in case you have not thought of it peter jones queensland australia psp sufferer PS a specilist wrote to the electricity company on my behalf i never heard anything from them or him so i do not know if he applied or not but i got the 140 dollars a year from the social security anyway so i am happy with that just filled in a form and went to my dr \\\

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