My friend had been in the hospital for some time now having difficulty breathing (needs oxygen mask). He started coughing a month or so ago. He does not smoke, no asthma, lives healthy lifestyle playing sports. One thing that might be worth mention is that he managed to get chickenpox couple of years ago which probably affected his immune system quite badly, but he did recover fast.
At first doctors decided to give stronger and stronger antibiotics. With time he became worse and now that the scans and tests apparently do not show anything, they have NO IDEA what is wrong. Having tried steroids the temperature finally went down from 40 Celsius to 36. Problem is that he still needs oxygen supply. One of the doctors proposed to put camera into lungs through the nose so they might be able to see something, but the lack of oxygen makes this very risky.
Myself I experienced very difficult 3 weeks of cough and mucus. I have personally pulled through. Unfortunately I think I might have passed that something onto my friend, still not sure.
I know this is very vague but any suggestions on this mystery would be very welcome.