What are your "helpful hints" for spouses, partners, sons, and daughters of people diagnosed with prostate cancer? You can write them as the diagnosed guy, partner, spouse, or child. (Just let us know which you are) Either write them below or email me ( darryl at malecare.org ) if you want to be shared but remain anonymous. Your suggestions can relate to any aspects of your experience with your loved one after they were diagnosed, including love, anger, moments of joy, challenges about time management, money, your health, or even separation or thoughts of divorce. Your suggestions can be in lists or warmly formed thoughts, like recently posted "Helping a parent age and leave this world is one of the greatest gifts a child can give." or "Please talk to your loved ones about your wishes and your disease."
Here is my suggestion for you: Don't wait. Please share your thoughts now in an email to me ( darryl at malecare.org ) or in a reply below.