Hello Folks,
Lots of great posts and discussions on this site. I thought I'd come aboard and get some feedback.
58 yrs old great health except for Gleason 4+4 = 8, in 3/6 biopsy cores (one side of prostate). Not sure why they only took 6 cores. PSA 24.1 back in November. Did a bone scan and a question mark in one vertebrae and lower pelvis so I'm waiting to get booked for a CT scan. Suspecting (hoping) anomalies are from running and other sports over the years (and I do have osteoarthritis in hands), but any suggested treatments from urologist are pending. One thing I do know is I need to be informed because he is a production-line type of guy and if I'm not on top of things he's on to next patient.
I've been reading the medical literature a lot. Not my field, but I can get decent sense of the directions of treatment. Would love to skip CT scan and go straight to a more advanced PSMA- type scan, but these things are less available in Canada. That being said there is a clinical trial which I am eligible for (because of bone scan questions) testing 8F-DCFPyL (PSMA) PET/CT, except that it is 8-10 weeks out for treatment.
I've read that delaying treatment is reasonable for "slow growing" prostate cancer, but when I took 2 weeks off from running in October (a bit of a personal experiment to see if all the downhill pounding I was doing affected PSA (read too much about "false positives" online)) my PSA shot up to 37.4. Yikes! Started exercising again and about 3 weeks later after biopsy PSA dropped back to 24.1. Anyway, the 13.3 point change in PSA provides a bit more urgency to my thinking about treatment, exercise control or not.
Speaking of clinical trials, the OPTiMAL trial is an ongoing follow-up to the ASCENDE-RT trial and I'm eligible for that. I like that in the OPTiMAL trail they are using advanced imaging/staging (including PSMA PET/CT) to better design the radiotherapy plan, but I would still have to drive into Vancouver daily for 5 weeks for daily radiation and then be on hormone therapy for up to 18 months. I'm not against hormone therapy at all, but would prefer not for the cardiovascular and other issues (or have it reduced length if possible). The researcher pointed out that I needed to consider if the hormone component would make the study a good option for me or not. Jury is still out for me on this one, but a decent option.
On the research front, there is a new Canadian SBRT (ASCENDE-SBRT) study that is also coming (I'm presuming also) to BC some time in 2023. But even if it is is sooner rather than later, I might get randomized into the non-SBRT arm. Prefer not to wait many months just to have that happen. I did find a clinical trial down in Seattle (Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Stage I-III Prostate Cancer) which is really straightforward that is on my radar too. Need to contact to see if eligible. Says they are still recruiting.
I do like the idea of hitting it (the Pca) hard and precisely as possible and then diet/exercise/attitude to recover. One reason radical prostatectomy makes sense, especially robotic. If you can definitely "get it all". After hearing from relatives that have been in both camps. I would only take robot route, but I think even though there is a da vinci robot in Vancouver I would still have to pay out of pocket. Anyway, long term side recurrence rates in literature seem similar within surgical and non-surgical options (after surgery it came back in my father about 15 years later, and took him in another 5 years at 86 (he left in untreated )). That said, a relative is 10 years Pca free after surgery, though with significant side effects.
I'm leaning towards seeing if I can do SBRT (maybe down in trial Seattle). There is no hormone therapy which I like (at the same time I hesitate and question "why not?") My sense is that despite a one-week sojourn in Seattle it would be more streamlined and perhaps as effective as the androgen deprivation therapy, external beam radiotherapy to the pelvis and an LDR brachytherapy boost I would get in BC (within or not within a trial). Of course before anything, I need to get results of at a minimum a CT scan.
Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated!