Just a short note here for others anticipating this procedure. I recently finished 23 EBRT sessions, had a two week rest, and then the brachy. All done at University of Washington oncology cooperating with Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
It was the typical surgery - "ok, take 5 deep breaths of oxygen and your arm will start to feel warm..." and POOF! Wake up in recovery room. I had 65 seeds implanted. Some minor aches for a couple days - took some ibuprofen and Tylenol. Sleeping ok now after a week. Had to go on Flomax to help urination - a little crampy after voiding but minor. I'm pretty active but was told to dial it way back for two weeks - no weight lifting and stay off the bike for a while. I'm still going to the climbing gym a couple times a week but have backed off.
I was told the brachy radioactive field effects will peak in a month and then will be inert by 4 months or so. I'm curious of how your mending has progressed. Thanks.
65 yo, Gleason 4+5, lesions limited to prostate, no mets. In middle of 18 months of Lupron.