Hi all.
Many thanks to folks here for helping to inform my decision. I'm going to have LDR brachytherapy -- seed implants -- as monotherapy at MSKCC, a place where brachytherapy was pioneered. Scheduled for next month.
Some background summary from earlier: PSA went up to 5.74 (8/21) from 5.3 (2/21). 12 core biopsy in 9/21: GS 3+4. 4 of 12 cores positive, all on the left side, peripheral zone.
2 were GS 6 & 2 were GS 3+4=7. One of those 7 cores had carcinoma in 67% per my urologist's lab's biopsy report (which was downgraded by MSK's analysis of the pathology, along with a few other aspects). Bone scan clear, and so is CT scan.
During my first consultation, based solely on the first lab's pathology report, my RO at MSK was thinking a combo might be necessary and was talking about HDR brachy and 5 SBRT.
At second consultation, after MSK's analysis of the pathology and after an MRI (showing 1 lesion at 1 cm -- and no ECE, no seminal vesicle or lymph nodes), and I assume after consultation with others there, he said combo was overkill and monotherapy is the way to go, as some of you suggested here back when I first posted.
All three monotherapies that were discussed -- LDR, HDR and SBRT -- are equal in terms of excellent outcomes, as he explained. He said LDR, of which he's performed thousands (in addition to thousands of HDR and SBRT), might be a preferable option for me because it's one and done -- an hour in which they implant the seeds while you're under, and that's that. (HDR would require two treatments as a monotherapy).
That appealed to me. I spoke to other docs about other options, and spoke with men who'd had LDR (at MSK) with my RO and others. It requires great expertise, but I know I'm in good hands at MSK and with my RO. One trade off might be more intense urinary issues short-term, but I've been okay in that department now -- another quality that makes you a better candidate for LDR going in -- so hoping it won't be so bad.
I thought I'd chronicle it here because LDR as monotherapy has been in decline and there aren't a lot of recent experiences relayed here.
It's not in decline because it's less effective -- far from it. Rather, as a monotherapy it can only be utilized for low risk or favorable intermediate risk. With the rise in AS, and with the rise of other options like HDR and SBRT, less LDR has been performed. Some centers even stopped doing it, as it requires highly trained ROs and their numbers started to decline, too, among younger doctors.
It seems there might be a revival of LDR, however, particularly as studies show great outcomes utilizing it for brachy boost for more advanced PCa.
LDR monotherapy also isn't an option if there's any ECE or if the prostate is too large. But I fit the bill. So I'm scheduled for right after the new year and will let you know how it goes.
Any thoughts, advice and experiences from you all are welcome.