It’s been a long crazy month as we’ve been working through my husband’s diagnosis (especially with COVID-19 going on).
CT scan and nuclear bone scan show no metastasis at this point. We scheduled consult with Moffitt in Tampa (surgeon and radiologist) and Memorial Sloan Kettering (surgeon and radiologist). Because of current situations, all consults have been via zoom or FaceTime.
Both the surgeons recommend surgery as a first treatment and both radiologists recommend radiology as a first treatment. All have recommended a MRI prostate. And a couple have recommended he get a Lupron shot (others say not necessary). So now we ponder our options..... both places have said it will be at least beginning to middle of may before anything can be done.
We’re leaning towards surgery because of his age (58) and we’re leaning towards MSK...but a little scared about COVID.
Gleason 9, high risk aggressive diagnosis.