In mid 2021 had my regular PSA test, and it had risen to around 12. In the state health system in NZ for someone over 70, PSA has to be over 12 for 3 months before they take notice, it was and I was asked to go for an MRI which proved positive. The diagnosis wasT3b prostate cancer and a subsequent biopsy came up with a Gleason score of 4 +3.
I saw an oncology surgeon, who recommended surgery, and an oncology radiologist, who recommended EBRT. Confused? Sure I was. I then saw the HoD, another surgeon but one who recommended EBRT because he said that if I had surgery then I would need EBRT as well. OK, choice made I thought, and I started treatment in mid November 2021.
The treatment was for 20 sessions, and the total Gy of 60.
My question is that the number of sessions and the total Gy dosage both seem low. Other people I talk to at the prostate cancer support group have at least 30 sessions, sometimes more. And internet research (always dangerous I know) suggests that 70 to 80 Gy is the norm.
So I would welcome input from anyone who has any comments to share. My next consultation with the radiation oncologist's registrar is in the coming week.