6 weeks after surgery and my recovery has progressed relatively well. My first post-surgery blood test showed my PSA score to be 'undetectable'. My urinary control has been excellent, I'm walking as much as 10 miles at a time without any ill-effects, and I've recently also began incorporating some mild biking and certain weight activities that don't stress my surgical areas.
My urologist and my oncologist both are in agreement that I now need radiation in combination with Lupron hormone injections because it is 'very likely' that cancer cells still remain inside me due to the aggressive nature of the cancer that I had (Gleason - 9, PSA - 11.6)
While some advise me that with an undetectable PSA at present and generally-good surgical and recovery results, why not just monitor my status for a few more months and see if the PSA comes up at all before subjecting me to those treatments and their many documented possible side-effects? However, the doctors say to go with both the hormones and the radiation now, that because of the aggressiveness of my cancer it is inevitable that the PSA will rise and there will be new cancer growth. The theory is that now is the best time to attack any remaining cancer with the radiation before it can start to spread anywhere else, while the hormones would stop the testosterone generation within me, which is what new prostate cancer cells would feed on. The Lupron would involve two injections 3 months apart, and the radiation treatment would be 5 days a week for 8 weeks.
I started out leaning towards the 'wait and see' approach but am moving more towards the 'let's do it now' option.