I had a prostate biopsy about a year ago. The results were negative. I have been taken Rapaflo and Finasteride for the last two years. My PSA is now 9.4. Now I am having another biopsy. Does PSA really mean anything or it the doctor right in wanting another biopsy? i am not having any problems. One last thing I am a white and 74 years old.
PSA and Prostate Cancer.: I had a... - Prostate Cancer N...
PSA and Prostate Cancer.

AZROY - Normal needle biopsies cannot guarantee that they will find cancer if there. I was staged T1a after my TURP with a very low PSA. Still, I wanted peace of mind. I didn't want someone to do a fishing expedition on my prostate with biopsies so I found a new MRI technology that is called T3 Imaging. It was done at the Anderson Cancer Center in Phoenix. Also - listen to what 'bobjensen' has said in his post above. With your age it could be any number of things that give you a high PSA that does not indicate cancer - he sites examples. And even after the MRI finds cancer, and it's not aggressive and is slow growing, you will most probably die with it then of it.
I would think your PSA level is high. It might be good to have another biopsy. How is your erections?