After routine blood work for an annual physical my doctor informed me that my PSA was a little high for my age, 63. PSA was 7.9 which I thought was not bad, considering what I had read about some controversy about PSA testing. I'm glad he did though. I was referred to a urologist who recommended a biopsy. It came back positive on 5 out of 14 cores; two (3+3) and two (3+4) on the left side and two (3+3) on the right side, so my Gleason score is 7. No lumps found with DRE. Perineural Invasion was detected on the two 3+4 cores, left side. He also did a Cystoscopy because I complained of the typical old man urinary problems, sometimes hard to start, frequency, waking at night often. Turns out my prostate is 77 grams and is obstructing flow. He put me on the daily 5 mg ED med which helps a lot.
I visited another urologist at LSU Medical in New Orleans for a second opinion and he agreed with the original recommendation of surgery and agreed no lumps during DRE. I also visited a radiation oncologist who said he thought surgery would be better in my case, "If it were my dad or me, I would go with surgery first." Both urologists said they were not that concerned about PNI but the one who diagnosed me recommended removing more on the left side. Both would use robotics.
Like everyone I started researching and learning everything I can. I've asked a LOT of questions with each doctor and they all say to expect incontinence for 6-8 weeks though the worst "could" be over in two to three weeks. They also say ED WILL happen but there's a good chance functionality could be restored within a year. Do your Kegals, don't get discouraged, practice makes perfect. They said the first month after surgery will be focused on incontinence and once that is resolved the focus is on erections.
The only thing I find odd so far is a low PSA of 7.9 with a Gleason score of 7 with both sides positive. It seems the PSA should be higher.
Everyone tells me it's not a death sentence but I need to do something. Evidently, active surveillance is not an option with Gleason score of 7 with PNI detected but I am staying positive and hoping this will work out reasonably okay. If not we continue on to the next step.
I'm leaning towards surgery and may have it in November. Nerve sparing on the right side is in the plan but he did mention "wide excision of the ipsilateral neurovascular bundle" on the left side due to the PNI. I understand the implications. Seminal vesicles will also be removed. I like surgery because I want to see the pathology report after it's removed to see if there's any indication of metastasis.
Obviously, I don't like the thought of ED but I don't want this to come back or spread. Each doctor has told me about the drugs, injections and implants and that the other nerves are not affected during surgery so quality of life can continue.
I'm not sure if I'm looking for advice, guidance, support or what. Just wanted to share my story.
The journey begins...