My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in July gleason score of 8 took casodex now on lupron has hot flashes bad but otherwise he has no pain is taking rso oil had a PSA of 96 went down to 0.55 any other suggestions you might have please send my way thanks
Fighting this battle : My dad was... - Prostate Cancer N...
Fighting this battle
I was diagnosed last July with Gleason 9. Bone scan and CT were negative for spread. PSA 35.
I was started on a Lupron and casodex then had external radiation followed by brachytherapy boost. After 4 months PSA was 0.01.
I am being followed by urology oncologist at teaching university.
Sorry to hear that. Gleason 8 is nasty stuff. Estrogen patches may help with the hot flashes.
The drop in PSA is what you expect and want from casodex and Lupron.
Rick Simpson oil has no effect on prostate cancer.
That is really a marketing site and you have posted this three times onto this thread!
The actual claim is stage 3 (localised) but the story seems restricted to cannabis promotion sites.
Here's the typical aftermath of using cannabis to "treat" cancer: