My prostate is very enlarged and I have to get up several times in the night to go to the bathroom. My father died of prostate cancer, so I'm vulnerable. My PSA is staying steady at about 6 after rising over the last few years from about 3. My doctor and I check my PSA every 6 months. Watchful waiting.
I eat a plant-based diet to help combat any nascent cancer I might have. My doctor says it is likely I do have prostate cancer in its beginning stages.
If it wasn't for the threat of this disease, I think it is likely I would live to over 100. I hear people say, "Just ignore prostate cancer because you'll most likely die of another age-related disease before prostate cancer kills you." But that is probably not true in my case because, apart from my prostate, I'm in amazingly good health and have good aging genes in my family.
I would greatly value any advice on prostate cancer. Is there anything else I should be doing at this stage beyond eating healthily and keeping physically fit?