Hi, appreciate all the info here. This is my initial post, I'm 64, biopsy in Feb. 2021 shows 5 of 12 cores with PC, 3 with Gleason 6 and 2 with Gleason 7 (3+4). PSA is 5.7, up from 4.6 last year. My Urologist said it looks confined in prostate based on MRI and he considers it intermediate risk. Decipher score of 0.74, high risk.
RO wants to do ST hormone and IMRT. I asked about SBRT and both my Urologist and RO (same Company, IMRT only) said the high risk does not make me a good candidate. Talked to another RO (who offers SBRT, of which he has done a total of 50) and he said I would be a good fit for SBRT (did not mention hormones). Meeting with UCSF next week for consultation, but from what I have researched, SBRT looks to be a good option overall, just not sure since my Decipher score puts me at high risk and seems like SBRT is mostly with low to intermediate risk.
I would appreciate any thoughts and comments about treatment and if performing 50 procedures would make the RO considered experienced enough. Thanks.