Hi all.
Brief background. Firstly, I am 42 years old, so, on the younger side of things when it comes to this cancer. About a month ago, I went in for an MRI for something else, it came back negative for what I went in for, but it noticed an area of patchy hypointense signal on the peripheral of the prostate region.
Saw my Urologist - DRE was normal, and did a PSA test, the PSA came back at 0.33. Doctor advised that it was nothing to worry about but I decided on a multiparametric MRI. The mpMRI came back, I was listed as PI-RADS 2.
My doctor was recommending to wait a few months, but I decided to do a biopsy anyways - mostly because there seemed to be no explanation for this hypointense isgnal on the MRI (we didnt think prostatis or inflammation was an issue).
Got the biopsy results back today, well not the report (I'll get that on Tuesday) but my doctor did say over email that no cancer was found, but, there did find areas of atypical small acinar proliferation (ASAP). From what I have read - ASAP has a 40-50% chance of turning into cancer in 3-6 months on a repeat biospy. The main reason its not classified as cancer right not, is because there are not enough cells, or they are currently too small to make a definitive diagnosis.
So, thats where I am at right now. I'm scared bloody stupid, even though I dont have cancer now, I suspect that I will. Is the only real option at this point to repeat tests in a few months and see what they say? And in the likely case it is cancer at that point, what do I do then?
Thanks for any help or support.