I read a lot about men's concerns over the consequences of prostate cancer (PCA) and naturally most of it focuses on the life changing aspects, the physical treatment, ED, incontinence, changed bowel habits, loss of libido and so on. Perhaps it's because we're men that a lot is unsaid particularly about the psychological and emotional roller coaster it puts you through.
For example, if you talk to women about their experience of "female" cancers their emphasis is more about changed body image, flatter chest, hair loss etc. Not so much in men. You hear of women wearing wigs after chemotherapy, but men? That's OK because the body image aspect of women's "self concept" is dominated by appearance, whereas in men, it's dominated by "function", I.e. what we can DO. Perhaps that's why, after treatment for PCA there is so much concern about changed physical function.
Another aspect of experiencing PCA or any cancer is "bereavement", "loss", or "mortality" . I confess to experiencing most of the classic phases of bereavement as described by Kuhbler-Ross, anger, denial. depress, bargaining and the harder one to achieve, acceptance. (There is a difference between acceptance and resignation).. There also the profound sense of injustice, why's this happening to me? What have I done to deserve this?
Mortality is the thing! In the UK 10,000 men die each year from PCA, it is the main cause of premature death in males. More women now survive breast cancer than men PCA.
It still seems we are reluctant to talk about these emotive aspects, except when, occasionally, they erupt.
Perhaps it's because that the nature of men, perhaps it's because of social values, perhaps it's because we're older men raised in a particular culture. Perhaps it's part of our self concept and hence our self esteem that men "deal" with these things and to talk about them or seek help with them is not being STRONG.
Paradoxically, I've found talking about the psychological and emotional aspects of PCA, or anything, to be a positive way of dealing with things and the ability to do so is in itself, a real strength.
It's a real shame, I feel, when the term "psychological" is seen as a dirty word or as a criticism, or that we are not strong, not a fighter, not a real man. It's a shame when counselling is seen as some sort of punishment or as an admission of weakness. It's a shame when "psychological" is associated with certain medical practitioners who are often seen as some kind of demonic or perverse trickster who passes moral judgement on people. Mental health seems still to be stigmatized and actually, mental ilness is not the same creature as psychological well being.
A lot of this comes down to our "state of mind", not just what we're thinking, not just passing moods, but how we see ourselves, how we see the world and the values we put on what we see.
At the end, we can try to deal with consequences of PCA and it's treatment, but part of that might be psychological. Sometimes we won't be able to get the outcome we want and in that case it's better to try to find positive acceptance rather than bitter resignation. That'll psychological too!