I was diagnosed with PCa in April of this year. My PSA was 5.83 prior to my TRUS biopsy. My Gleason score was 4+3=7. % positive cores 16% (2/12). I am currently on Active Surveillance. I chose AS because my biopsy remains were sent to Prolaris (Myriad Laboratories) for genetic testing. The results came back some what favorable in the non-aggressive range.
I visited my Urologist on 12-1-2016 for a re evaluation. I had a PSA test done prior to the visit, and my PSA had increased from 5.83 to 6.87. I was disappointed to say the least of the increase. The last PSA was taken 7 months ago. So that's an increase of 1.04. (not Good)
I discussed my options going forward and I have agreed to have a MRI-guided prostate biopsy After January 1 2017.
We did discuss another PSA test after 3 months, but I declined on that plan, My opinion, The MRI- guided biopsy would give me a better indication of my PCa, and let me make a sensible decision.
I will meet with my Urologist again after the results of the MRI- guided biopsy and discuss my treatment. Whether or not I stay on AS or go for treatment. . I am age 76, and healthy (at least I think so...)
Any thoughts or opinions concerning my decisions are welcomed....