My Sling is leaking more. I have been drinking a glass of red wine a day. Will this have any effect. What should I do to get back to almost dryness. Can anybody help please.
Burnett1948.Precautions for Incontine... - Prostate Cancer N...
Burnett1948.Precautions for Incontinence Sling

Alcohol does irritate the bladder, making you more likely to leak. Practicing pelvic floor exercises may help. There is a fairly good description of the exercises from 5:05 in this video
Thanks MelbourneDavid. I thought red wine was good for me but I started liking it too much; mind you never mover than one glass a day. But I have heard of its irritation effect before but forgot. I wonder if Pelvic floor exercises work after one has had a Sling. I suppose there is only one way to find out. Again many thanks David
After having 2 slings inserted, neither of which worked as advertised, I have become a strong proponent of the AUS - artificial urinary sphincter. The AUS has rendered me nearly dry with only an occasional dribble when I fail to void completely. I now use just a thin shield instead of a thicker pad - and kegels are no longer required to augment the operation of the AUS. It may be worth your time to investigate the AUS and discuss with your urologist. As with any procedure, seek out a practitioner with extensive experience inserting the AUS device. Good luck.
My suggestion to you is to give up on the sling and see a urologist who does Artificial Urinary Sphincters. (AUS) Look them up on the web for info. I have had several urologists over the years, some who only do slings and others who do both. Even those who only do slings have told me most slings do not do as well for men and recommend the AUS. I have had my AUS for 2 years and it is a God Send. There has been virtually NO leakage whatsoever except an occasional drip following urination if I don't "shake it off" completely. The AUS procedure is minor surgery, usually just over night if that, and then a couple weeks healing after which it is activated and then LIFE BACK TO NORMAL! I asked my Dr. before having it done if there were any complications later on, and he said "if there are any, they are minor and they can be easily fixed. GO FOR IT, you will be pleased with the results. Good luck. By the way, red wine is a liquid, it will only make you leak more.
Burnett48.ng27868168 I'm seeing my Urologist at the end of August to talk about getting a AUS to replace my sling. Do you know if my Salvage Radiation treatment of 32 hits after Surgery will effect/stop a AUS being inserted to stop my inconveniences?
Hey, thanks for asking about the AUS. I am happy to give you my 2 cent opinion and share my experience with it. I had my AUS installed about 2 1/2 years ago at age 74. The urologist who I saw to have this procedure done was NOT my regular urologist as he only installed slings, so he referred me to another Dr. in the same clinic who did. First, this urologist reviewed my records and said it appeared I was a candidate IF..., there was not an excessive amount of scaring in the urethra (tube that goes from the bladder to the penis) because of numerous previous catheter insertions due to other medical issues OR scaring from previous radiation treatments. (I also had 32 hits of radiation a year following PC surgery and previously had several catheter insertions due to bladder infections that prevented me from peeing). He then put me on the exam table and looked up the whole length of my urethra with a cath camera and found the damage was minimal and I was good to go ahead with the procedure. The procedure itself is relatively minor with a small incision made above the penis to install what basically is a tiny "hose clamp" around the urethra and the tiny liquid pump mechanism which opens and closes the "clamp" around the urethra as well as a tiny tube that is fed into the scrotum which will operate the "on/off/activate/de-activate" button that controls the pump. Then an incision is made in the scrotum and the on/off button is installed. This button is about the size of the last joint of your middle finger and is easy to reach through your pants zipper.
I stayed over night in hospital but have heard it can also be done as an out-patient procedure. The worst (but not bad) part is the healing time as your scrotum looks like someone took a maul to it, but nothing to keep you from having it done. After the AUS is installed it is NOT activated for a period of about 4 weeks in order to let everything heal. Then the urologist or staff member will show you how to activate it by using the top section of the on/off button (there are 2 small buttons)and you are good to go. One other bit of info that they will tell you is.., once the AUS is activated, it has to be de-activated in order to have a catheter inserted in an emergency room situation or other medical reason. I wear a small metal bracelet on my arm (some wear a necklace) informing medical personnel of this device. I also have a card in my wallet. In my opinion, this AUS is well worth the small inconvenience of having it done. Good luck and let me know how it works if you can get.
Burnett48. Ng27868168, thrill on,I'm seeing my Urologist at the end of August to talk about getting a AUS to replace my sling. Do you know if my Salvage radiation Treatment of 32 hits after surgery will. Effect/stop a AUS being inserted.
UI was told that the "clamp" only lasts about 5-7 years and then it needs to be replaced. Anyone experience that yet? I'm not looking to go in for a refitm,ent every five years. I did talk with two people who had them done and they told nme that you "have to know your limitations".