For about 10 months, have been doing Kegels and other exercises (planks, core, etc.) under supervision of PT. Slight incontinence improvement but still pretty bad QoL. PT recommends Kegels 3 time per day, 10 repetitions of 10 sec. squeeze/5 second rest and then 10 with 1 sec. squeeze/1 sec. rest. I am interested in what regimens (Kegels and any other exercises) other PTs have recommended to you and whether you've seen benefits.
Kegels and other exercises for incont... - Prostate Cancer N...
Kegels and other exercises for incontinence

This might be useful.
David Hughes Pelvic Floor Exercise - The Prostate Clinic:
Hi gamma909,
I'm not wishing to be negative but, please bear in mind that for a small percentage of men ... around 3% I was told ... Kegel exercises may have very little or no effect.
Unfortunately, I was one of the 3% and my QoL didn't improve until i was implanted with an AUS (Artificial Urinary Sphincter). Since the AUS was activated life is pretty much back to normal. Notwithstanding, six monthly PSA level tests.
Roland J .. UK
You are not being negative at all - just realistic. I actually believe long-term incontinence is severely under reported due to a number of factors including the fact that most doctors and hospitals don't even maintain this information. I realize that I can't fight anatomy and exercises may not be of much help beyond any benefit I've received thus far. Similar to making my decision for RALP, I am collecting available information to make an informed decision about whether to pursue additional surgery or not. I wish you good health and I am very glad your QoL has improved with the AUS.
I found yoga to be a great help had surgery 11years ago can now stay leak free for four hours

Watch this
Thanks - good to have additional tips. My problem is overt (not stress) incontinence which complicates matters quite a bit. However, I try to remain optimistic while doing additional research on options.
I’m 4 weeks out from RPR. I have been doing lots of kegels and a ton of research. This so far is my favorite video.
Hi. I started Kegels before my surgery. I also downloaded an app to my phone that prompts me twice a day to do exercises. There are ten different workouts that appear in random order. A good reminded. I am nearly a year post-op with only rare dribbling of a new drops. Have two cases of incontinence briefs that I do not need.
Part of my physical therapy was biofeedback where they inserted a stem like device into anus which then used electric shocks to stimulate pelvic floor muscles. Like a tenz unit if you have ever used one. Forces a sort of super keegel. If therapist hasn't mentioned it, change therapist. Sound barbaric but boy did it improve my progress. I don't think I would be dry today without it. I am 13 months out and have been dry for 7 of them. Good luck!