In Feb of 2021 I had a prostatectomy and subsequently required 8 weeks of salvage radiation in 2022. The cancer was unusually high in my prostate near my bladder. I am happy to share that my PSA has been undetectable for the past 18 months.
I faithfully do Kegel exercises, but continue to have incontinence issues. It's not so much stress incontinence as it is urine leakage that I am unaware of until I notice the wetness on my pants. This is made worse when I drink alcohol. It has not gotten any better and may even be getting a little worse. I have gotten better at managing it such as wearing a depends when I socialize and occasionally will use a penile clamp.
Two questions for the group,
1) Has anyone else had this experience and have tips for dealing with it?
2) Has anyone had AUS and what was its efficacy and what were the side effects?
Thank you for your help.