I had my little boy on Monday by CS. I have now not managed to poop since Sunday 🙈 (being a new mum is so glamorous). Likely a combo of opiates during surgery, inactivity etc. Anyway, was prescribed lactulose in hospital and to take at home (home for 24h now) but no dice. Today I added in (what I consider to be infallible) prune juice. Still nothing so far. My question is how much prune juice do I dare?? I usually only need a little bit, like 50-100ml, once. I have had 3 small 100ml ish glasses over the day so far. I don’t want to overegg the pudding but my goodness something needs to happen soon 😂 passing plenty of gas so not totally obstructed. I remember needing stool softeners for several weeks last time (also taking those atm) but didn’t get blocked like this. Trying to drink plenty of water, probably falling a little short but not that badly.
Constipation post C-section - how muc... - Pregnancy and Par...
Constipation post C-section - how much prune juice?!

Congratulations - so happy to see your LB arrived safely! But constipation after CS, yes, that was horrible. I found that fibogel worked really well, within a day, and is not as 'drastic' or unpredictable as the laxative meds. I did also try califig but fibogel seemed to be working and gentler enough not to cause cramps etc. Maybe also try warm drinks like hot chocolate or just warm milk - no idea why they helped but worth a shot. X
Thanks, might try and add that in. Interesting on the warm drinks as I read that and thought it sounded an odd thing to help, but evidently does somehow! Hope you’re doing ok, must be a little while yet for you? Xx
Large mug of warm, milky tea or hot chocolate seemd to stimulate everything somehow, worth a try and nice anyway even if it doesn't. Hopefully the meds will be out of your system soon too and you'll go back to normal.
Am doing great thank you, although am 5 months and massive so expecting another chunkster x
Eeeeek congratulations! 💜🤗 xxx
Lactulose. I’ve used it after all my surgeries , including two c-sections x
Congrats on safe arrival, you’re so right though, post partum poo for Mum is not glamourous. Took me 5 days for bowel movement after birth of my daughter, drinking as much water as you can to make stool soft will help. I also took lactulose but take a few days to come into effect.
Oh god I remember pooping the bed the week after my c-section. Thought it was gas but it was my first bowel movement 🤦♀️My husband was very understanding but t was absolutely mortifying, so don't drink so much that you end up pooping the bed!!
hello! Congrats on your new arrival 🥰 I was so constipated after my girl arrived in September. It wasn’t until I stopped taking the meds that I was able to poo properly at around 5 days. I stopped taking them early and went onto paracetamol / ibuprofen to get going and the pain was very manageable. I was taking lactulose every day (2x) and eating 4-5 prunes a day, so when I eventually went, it was fine. If you’re coming off the stronger meds now, you prob don’t need to overdo it on the prune juice 🫣 good luck!!
I’m not on any opiates, just paracet and ibuprofen. I didn’t even have any when in hospital after the actual surgery as I was managing with paracet and ibuprofen alone and knew any opiates were going to bung me up more. I’m very pleased to say I did manage to go this morning, never been so happy to have a poo 😂😂 xx
Congratulations!! So pleased to see you've had your little boy! Welcome to the crazy world of motherhood
I don't have any tips I'm afraid but hoping it eases soon! xxx