I’m going insane. Please help. Ive had three silent miscarriages this year that required treatment. I’ve had blood results to rule out thyroid issues, diabetes, clotting issues, autoimmune issues so that’s positive. I haven’t had the genetics screening back yet. On my first cycle I think I might be pregnant. Positive early tests but negative digital tests. I’m due on today. I started progesterone (twice daily suppositories as prescribed - from positive test to 12 week scan). I’m now worried I’m not pregnant and because I started the progesterone (3/4 doses) I’ve made it complicated eg, delayed my period. Although I don’t want to miss treatment if I am pregnant if that makes sense?! Should I wait till the digital result (so disheartening seeing the ‘not pregnant’) or start progesterone again because you think I am pregnant? I’m going MAD waiting x
Positive test but negative digital - ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Positive test but negative digital - should I start progesterone now or when I get the positive digital?

Hi Nicki, Sorry to hear about your past miscarriages. I had two recently and am on progesterone now as well. I understand how worrying and confusing it can be.
Just to check...Do you mean that you’ve already started the progesterone because of the positive early test but worried as the digital still isn’t coming up positive?
Thank you so much for a speedy reply!I haven’t taken the progesterone today as I’m not worrying I don’t have a positive digital on my period due date.... should I be taking it based on my non-digital findings eg, faint line on several FRER, clearblue non digital and Tesco (although tesco is super faint in that pic but believe that’s 25miu/ml) to decrease my risk of miscarriage. But I’m now doubting I’m pregnant at all so didn’t take the progesterone today as I worried that ive started treatment too early and I’m delaying my period. I’m baffled x
Urgh it’s such torture the faint lines/it not being clear. With the FRER has the line become darker?
I don’t think it would cause any harm to take the progesterone if you’re not pregnant. It can possibly delay your period but if you have even a faint line on an early test though it means you are pregnant. But I’ve had very early miscarriages with faint tests so do know how seriously awful it is waiting.
I suppose I’m thinking if I’m not pregnant (I think I am although scared I’m not) then I’m delaying the next cycle. Maybe I will take a progesterone tonight as no harm until I know more. Soooo confused. FRER was about the same maybe darker but marginal difference. I’m doing 3 tests every morning. I’m obsessed. Spending a fortune. Clearblue and FRER I get a line everytime. It is normal now for women to not feel accepting of a positive test until they get a digital? I’m driving myself mad and I’m only due on today!! Really appreciate you replying
I just went to my bathroom to count how many tests I did this time...I did 8. So you are not alone. And I definitely did several one morning. I did FRER until I was due then normal FR. As for me I didn’t need the digital to feel better, but I wanted to check that the HCG was rising. I think it’s totally normal to be more anxious and find it harder if you’ve had previous losses. So scary to hope for the best but fear the worst.
I did test 2 days apart though as all the data I’ve seen says that’s the best way to assess HCG . I was worried about the progesterone prolonging my period if I was having a chemical as well. I still am worried that it may be “masking” things somehow. The only thing I keep telling myself is that I am giving us the best chance by taking it until I can have a scan. It’s so horrible waiting. Try and hold on as the lines are likely to change (darker or not) in a couple of days. If things are still unclear (or even if not) you can also get a blood test. Serious serious distraction, talking about the worry and being nice to yourself in the meantime are the only things that help me through it all. X
So you’re the same regarding progesterone. Started when you got a positive test? Congratulations it’s funny isn’t it. I don’t think I will check my hcg is going up and up once I know I definitely am. But I say that now. Feel like the goal posts move don’t they. I’m aiming for a digital positive now. It will then go to week indicators going up. Then the dreaded early scans. It’s endless... I feel better for taking the progesterone as I suppose my main worry is I’ll miscarry again. The non digitals are saying I am so fingers crossed. Just wish there was a way of predicting the future? I either am or I’m not. Just a killer waiting. I’ve only got one non digital left and thats 25miu/ml anyway which is the same as a digital anyway. Just don’t want to see ‘not pregnant again’. Maybe I should try and hold off till Christmas Eve but I know what I’ll be like in the morning. Blergh. Exciting times hopefully xx
What an awful predicament to be in I found when my non digital was positive so was my digital I hope you find out soon 😃
Mine always takes an extra few days before I get a positive digital. Although I’m sure I got a positive digital a day early last time. Hence my worry this time. If a digital doesn’t say so it’s like I’m not accepting my non-digital lines. Any thoughts on the images above? It’s nice to know others have done lots have tests. Congratulations xx
I had to look again at the image because on first sight I thought one said positive and you was waiting for the next line on the digital test but after looking again unfortunately it looks negative on both but they do say a line is a line on pregnancy test which is why it's so confusing even a faint line is supposed to be a positive on a pregnancy test .some people talk about evap lines but they only occur if you left the test too long and looked at it again You appear to have some kind of second line on both.it does say in the leaflet that you are supposed to take the bold lines as your result and ignore anything else fingers crossed I'll be praying for you hun x
Although faint, I do see lines. Congratulations. I know you're cautious due to previous loss but worrying will NOT make things better but rather worse. Stress is a powerful thing. Try your best to enjoy being pregnant and let go of any stressors. Go for walks, read a nice book, have some hot chocolate etc. No point stressing until you need to...take the progesterone it will be more beneficial. I understand the eagerness of not delaying a cycle to start another one but an extra week or 2 won't matter if there's chance of greater success.
Sending you lots of good luck !!
The digital normally needs a higher HCG to work. If you can wait a few days and wait for the line to be darker to check again on the digital. As for the progesterone surely taking it is better imho. If you're pregnant you're giving your pregnancy the best chance. If it turns out negative, delaying your cycle is not the end of the world ultimately.
Wish you best of luck
I don’t think you can get a false positive on a test - sometimes the digital need more hormone . But if your most recent miscarriage was less than 4 weeks it might be possible hormone still high. Wait maybe a few days? The hormone will double every day if it’s a new pregnancy.
Thank you so much. I’ve had a period and a negative scan and test since the miscarriage surgery 1st November so it must be new 🤞🏻 Just a little worried it’s been days and they’re so faint I’m unlikely to get a positive digital yet. I haven’t done a digital and will do one tomorrow. Just can’t face getting a not pregnant but won’t accept the lines are there?! No period today but worry that’s the progesterone. Ahhh going insane. My fiancé is so worried about miscarriage he won’t accept the line on the test. Feel it’s making me negative too. Just wish there was a way to know but time will tell xxx
And positive FRER today but faint x
I thought it had a tad but still faint.... haven’t done one today. Only a digital so no ‘line eyes’!! My period hasn’t come. I’ve been quite accepting of the ‘not pregnant’ but slightly baffled again. Thinking the progesterone has delayed my period. I didn’t have a dose last night or today in view of the negative digital xx
Best thing to do is give it a week to see if you are actually pregnant
I’ve fully come on now. I was awake most of the night in pain. Just like when I miscarried/tablet treatment. Had to take codeine. Bleeding more than usual. Can only presume it was an early miscarriage. Definite positive tests. I was late. More pain and bleeding than usual. On to the next cycle. Glad I know now. It’s being in limbo that’s the worst. Thanks all x
Wish I could upload all my positive tests to show you but doesn’t matter now. Merry Christmas everyone. X