Hi guys, I was wondering if you would be able to advice. I’m late on my period which is very unusual! I took 2 tests this morning which showed positive faint lines. Around 4pm today I took a digital one which said not pregnant. I feel like I’m going crazy! The pink one was early indication and then I done a normal clear blue one. Then around 4pm done the clear blue digital. Are these lines? Or am I going insane?
2 faint positive lines and 1 digital ... - Pregnancy and Par...
2 faint positive lines and 1 digital negative

I see lines! It’s best to do tests with first morning urine as it’s more concentrated and will pick it up sooner than a 4pm weak wee which may explain the negative test this afternoon. All you can do is wait a couple of days and try again as your hormone levels double every 48hrs or so. All the best x
The pregnancy test looks for HTC in your urine which is more concentrated in your first morning urine. If your only 2 days late then the concentration in your afternoon urine might not have enough to register on the afternoon test. I'd say to try a digital test first thing tomorrow with first urine of the day. Best of luck
Should only test first early morning urine. Looks positive to me.
Test again this morning! as the other girls said your hcg levels are higher in AM . Fingers crossed but it looks good to me!xx
Even I m going through the same can anyone please advise?
Any result?? Please let me know it will really help

Turns out I am pregnant! I re done a digital early in the morning, then went to doctors and came back negative. Got rushed to hospital, and came back positive! Unfortuently im being treated for suspected ectopic pregnancy but won’t know till next scan.
If there is a faint line, most likely are pregnant but very early.
Best of luck xx
Thank u soo much please keep me posted
Thank u soo much ,first time trying to conceive I m in early 20’s did thrice 2 pink and one blue three test has a faint lines and digital negative it’s been a 4 days I missed period. Pray for me 🤲🏻

Take another test, but as soon as you wake up! This is what I did for the digital; and it came back positive. All the luck!!
I see lines so I would say pregnant? Take another digital test in the morning time. Good luck x
hi !
I saw you said that it turned out that you're pregnant (unsure if it's ectopic or not) I've had light bleeding/spotting since yesterday afternoon. It's 11 days before my period should start and it doesn't look like my normal period. I took 3 tests. One is completely negative but I did take it late afternoon. The other two has very faint lines so I'm unsure if they're evap lines or not. I did two tests yesterday and one today. (I'll attach a photo)
I'm terrified of being pregnant since I was sterilised a year ago.. what do you think about the tests?