My son is 3 next week and we have been trying to potty train him for past few weeks. But don’t seem to be making any progress. If I put him on the potty and tell him to do a wee he will or I can sometimes catch him if I see he’s going to do a poo and get him on the potty. But he doesn’t seem to be learning when he needs to go. He will just poo or wee I his pants and not even tell me. I have tried to reward him for doing a wee or poo but this hasn’t worked and I have told him that big boys use a potty nappies are for babies and have told him off. But nothing works I don’t know if he finds it hard to know if he needs to go or is just lazy.
Potty training advice : My son is... - Pregnancy and Par...
Potty training advice

Potty training is the one thing I am dreading with Son number 2! People reckon boys are harder to potty train than girls and with Son number 1 is was a difficult time. We first tried potty training him when he was about 2 and half and he just wasn't getting it. He just didn't see the importance of using the potty! So I seeked advice from my health visitor who just suggested to give him more drink. I personally didn't see how this would help, just cover my house in more wee! So I decided to stop potty training as I thought that maybe he just wasn't ready. I tried again when he was a few months past being 3 and the experience was much better. We did it in the summer. Used lots of encouragement and rewards and he was so much better at using the potty, that within a week he was using the potty well. When trying to encourage him to use the potty I would periodically put him on the potty and the start praise him for just sitting on it. It could be that it's a bit early for him but keep encouraging him and he will get there eventually. Good luck!
On the basis of my own experience as a parent and grandparent and from observing other families my advice is above all to avoid toilet training becoming an 'issue'. Maintain a calm and matter-of-fact manner, keep encouragement and praise low-key and don't bother with rewards. Never show impatience or tell off. Don't despair at lapses! If a child can safely use a toilet seat insert and step then that can make them feel more grown-up and keen to do it the grown-up way. When the time comes your child will probably surprise you with the speed of his transition from nappy to potty.
One thing that worked for me was, when convenient, to have the child wear nothing below the waist. With no nappy or pull-ups to catch the business the child knew that a mess on the floor would result and therefore looked for or asked for his potty.
Thank you it’s nice to know that not only parent thats found it not straight forward. My friends mainly have girls and they seem to grasp it quickly wanted to wear knickers. I think my son just likes me doing things for him. I’m gonna take your advice give it a couple of months,I have an 8 week old and it’s too much and don’t want to make it a stressful experience.
My LG (now 10) was a nightmare to potty train! We tried at 2 and a half with zero success and so left it. Came back to it a few times with varying levels of success trying everything from books to singing potties, praise, big girl pants (everything). She was eventually 3 and a few months and she asked for the potty... Took her a week after that and she was dry at night too. Don't despair, just shelve it for a while and come back to it when you're both ready x
It may sound daft but get him interacting with the potty so he actually enjoys going on it, I’ve got my LG a potty that she can put stickers on and decorate herself and also one that has a flush handle and makes a flush noise this could maybe help as he may get excited about flushing the toilet but only if he’s used it which may make him want to use it when he needs to go
When I tried with my daughter first time i used to get so worked up and told her off a few times which back fired big time. We tried again at 3yrs 1 month and within a week she was dry day and night.
We bought a sticker book about potatoes lots of sticker charts etc. Lots of praise never telling her off.
HOWEVER, if you have a new baby I would wait a bit, as a new baby is a huge change for children and normally need some time to get used to new baby before another big change in their life.