My son is 3 and will be 4 in August, starting school in September. He has been wearing pull ups but showing interest in the toilet when his 6yr old brother goes, hiding when he does a poo and pulling at his nappy.
Myself and my husband have taken 4 days leave to begin potty training. We’ve had a potty for some time which as he is a big boy he barely fits on this so we’ve been practising sitting on toilet with a ‘special seat’ for a while.
We’re almost at the end of day 2 - lots of wet pants however, he can hold the wee and very shouts I need a wee wee as soon as he starts going and runs to the toilet. However, he’s now decided he doesn’t want to sit on the toilet and it almost feels like it’s become a battle. He’s not really interested in the stickers/reward chart and I’m reluctant to bribe with treats/food.
This morning he was upstairs and said he needed a wee, ran to the bathroom, took his pants off and did a wee albeit on the floor.
My question is at what point do we consider giving in and waiting or am I just being impatient given it’s not even been 2 days yet!!