HELP!! My son is very nearly 3, starting school nursery in September and he WILL NOT even sit on the potty/toilet, let alone use it.
We started potty training at around 22 months as he was showing all the signs he was ready, things went really well. Every time we say him on the potty, he tried and often managed to use it.
Then it got to around 25 months and he just started refusing to sit on it, wouldn’t go near it and demanded his nappies back on.
We didn’t push, we just went back to nappies and tried again a few weeks later, yet again he was doing well, then suddenly he just stopped again.
We’ve repeated the cycle what feels like endless times now and lately, he won’t even go near the toilet. To the point of it ends in a paddy if you ask more than a couple of times. We’ve tried treats as bribes, letting him pick his own “big boy pants,” not putting a nappy on and leaving him bottom half naked (he hates it, my strange child despises being naked!) we bought a new potty, a kids toilet and even a seat for the adult toilet with no success.
He’s 3 in a couple of weeks and I’m at my wits end! He’s such a clever child, speech is very well developed and motor skills are all good. I just don’t know what else to try!