Started potty training my 2.5 year old last month, we have had some good days with only a couple of accidents and then some really bad days when he hasn't been to the potty at all. I'm sick of washing my sofa cushions! Sometimes he will tell me he needs a wee and we will go to the potty. Sometimes he refuses. I've put a nappy on this morning as yesterday was awful with constant accidents and I felt like I was going to lose my temper which I know is obviously bad. I'm also 8 weeks pregnant!
Potty training struggles help! - Pregnancy and Par...
Potty training struggles help!

Have you got a sticker chart or a reward jar? I’ve only just started my LG nearly two weeks ago and thankfully it’s been great but I am dreading a blip like this. All I can think is we would start with a reward chart as we haven’t had chance to do one yet so would be a new incentive. Also maybe your HV has some ideas? Totally new territory for me so not much help but hope it gets better xx

Yes I got a sticker chart a few days ago and he does seem to like this when he has a wee on the potty, it didn't stop many accidents yesterday though!xx
Oh no! Maybe yesterday was just a bad day. Hope it gets better for you 🤞🏻 xx

HI Yogimama67, with my LO we did an "intensive" 3 day potty training so basically got her some "big girl" pants, got up in the morning told her she was going to wear the big girl pants (she was rather excited by this) and that she needed to use the potty, basically I followed her around with the potty everywhere, we had a couple of accidents in the morning where she didn't go to potty at first, but every time even if she had just finished a wee i popped her on the potty, by the afternoon (we had gone through about 6 pairs of pants) but she was going to the potty on her own, I had to help her with pants at first etc. We put nappy pants on/nappies still for nap and bed time but by the end of the first week she was dry throughout the night and has been ever since. It took maximum 2/3 days for her to use the potty with no accidents. Basically we didn't leave the house for the first 3 days as we wouldn't have been able to get to a potty/loo, it worked really well for us and haven't looked back. Our nursery also said not to use nappy pants just use normal pants as it can confuse them as they still feel like nappies. Touch wood, she has only had two accidents since January and thats just because we were out and she was distracted. If you are still in lockdown/isolating its a really good time to try this out - try not to lose your temper (i know its hard) because they aren't doing anything wrong having an accident its just them learning about bodily functions. Oh also it took her about 3 days to go and do a poo as she didn't want to do this at first but once she did it she was fine, just keep praising them, saying they are doing really well and I am sure you will be fine! good luck!