Hi there has anyone started potty training but gave up n started at a later date. We thought our son was ready (he 2 but 3 in sept) he loves wearing proper pants but is terrified to go near the potty. It’s only day one but he says no no no he says he is scared he reads out or cries if put on or if ask if he needs a wee always says no but then pees his pants. I don’t wanna force it so should we go back to nappies and try again in a month or so? Advice please please very stressed mother here who is due second child in August thanks
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Potty training help

I’ve not had to potty train yet (little one is only 6 months) but my friend has just had problems getting her little boy from potty to toilet as he was scared so they hid the potty and took him upstairs to the toilet with an iPad and some sweets and distracted him and the longer he sat on it the less stressed he felt and now uses it, could you try something similar? If that doesn’t work then perhaps it is worth waiting but having not been through it myself I wouldn’t know I’m afraid and if that might bring its own set of problems? Try not to get stressed though, he’ll pick up on it and as you say it’s only day one x
Thank you. He won’t sit with anything whilst on potty won’t read a book or watch fave shows. I’m just scared if we stop now it’ll be a stop n start process n he will find that hard with removing dummies n bottles we went cold turkey but he seems really really scared x
Bless him, do you think if you got one of those ladder and seat things that went on the toilet he’d be more interested (just another idea)? I think if I’d started potty training like you said it’d be better to try and keep going rather than confuse him but it’s hard if he’s really scared ☹️ Not sure if there is any other games you could play with it to make him more relaxed but I hope somebody else can help too and that you have a better day tomorrow x
We tried at 2yr 9 months ... shed sit in the potty but not do the deed, held it in till.she weed herself even if she was put on it the minute before.
We just tried again in Jan at 3yr 1month. Within 5 days she stopped nappies day and night, even though we weren't pushing for night.
We got a sticker book with reward chart, lots and lots of praise and fuss.
Sounds like hes not ready. Maybe keep the potty around so he can play with it, or let me choose his own.
If baby is due in August, try a couple of months or so before, realistically if it doesnt work you're going to have to wait a few months after no.2 is born as regression is pretty normal.
Hi there first of all all children are different. The way I did it was when my son was just over one years old I just left he’s potty out and for a while he thought it was a chair so used it as one then eventually would start to copy me in using the toilet and would wee in it. Then eventually did a poo in it and now been clean since 18 months old, he will be 3 in September.
I've heard a few tips which are
Let your son choose his own potty or toilet seat, let him decorate it however he want, have an area just for the potty and let him have his favourite things there (books/toys) try see if he'll sit on it with his clothes on at first, then trousers off, then nappy inside the potty, then no nappy in potty. This can take a while but the more you ask and try to get him to the more resistant and fearful he will become. On the other hand he may just not be ready. Good luck and I hope you find something that works. X
Have two potty’s one where you both are most of the time and one in the bathroom every time you or you SO have to go to the bathroom tell your son that your going to go peeper or poopoo on the potty keep the door open ask him if he wants to come with you then show him that you went. This is how I got my 18month old going on her potty but definitely don’t force him to go on it as it will only push him behind
Go back to nappies. Read Stress Free Potty Training by Geraldine Butler, loads of helpful advice, tips and a readiness checklist. Keep the potty out so he can see it, take him to the toilet when you go so he sees you using it, read children’s books about using he potty or toilet. Everybody poos, Pirate Pete Potty, Monkey Business.
Yes my little girl is 2 and turns 3 in August. She was weeing and pooing on the potty and then all of a sudden wouldn't sit on it, was crying because of it. I told my health visitor at her 2 1/2 year appointment and she advised to forget about it for a week and then ask her if she would like to sit on it and if she says no don't push it. So I did this and after a week she didn't want to sit on it so I have gradually started introducing it again without upsetting her and without getting stressed. I got her a new Paw patrol potty which is bigger than the other one , I thought the seat might be hurting her bum. She has started to wee on the new one and sit on it after her bath. But she still says no sometimes so I don't keep on. Am hoping it will just all come together within the next few months as I too have a baby due in August, but if she is still not ready then thats fine, we will just keep trying.
I use pull up pants and she takes them off herself sometimes to sit on the potty so maybe use those for bit as they can pull them up and down and then doesn't matter if they have an accident.
Thanks for the advice I will try just having the potty about n keep asking if he wants to go if he does great if not won’t push it. Just me as a person anxious that potty training with a newborn will be stressful lol x
I know, going to be multi tasking with a baby and a toddler. I managed to get mine on the toilet today , on her padded seat....she didn't go but a step in the right direction as sat there for about 5 minutes , I held her hand. I think she wanted to copy me with toilet paper and then pulling the chain after, washing hands etc, it's something and she wasn't scared which before she was frightened I think of falling down the loo.... small steps , we will get there in the end!
Also I reward with stickers when she has done a wee or even if she has sat there trying for a while, and then always say well done for trying even if she doesn't go. Then a big cheer and clap when she does go . x
My son was so good at sitting on thr potty and doing deeds before he started walking at 11m. Then we was too busy walking and doing things that showed no patience nor interest.
He's now 22m old. For last half a year he goes on the big toilet (his preference) if he's in the bath and needs a poo or a wee. He shouts so I put him on the toilet and he pushes and we celebrate what ever went in the toilet. But- during the day - if I let him walk around naked butt: the info does not switch on that he needs a wee or poo. Just leaves a trail behind him... 🐌
Also having a baby in August and hoped to potty train and get rid of dummy...
And to make it a bit more difficult: since yesterday he learned how to climb out if his cot 😭....
We have some progress with dummy:the new rule is that he must be in his cot if he wants it. He does not like to be in the cot so he has dummy only when he is sleeping. Which I great!
But once the new baby will arrive : if she'll have a dummy - afraid he'll want one too...
Lots of August babies here lol yeah the bath is great not fun fishing it out the bath lol.
We managed to get off dummy he was really poorly with his mouth ulcers then just didn’t want it back for bottles we said bottle fairy took it which worked!
Potty training definitely the hardest phase for us!
Ah climbing out cot...nightmare... ours never tried don’t think he ever had strength he on big boy bed now n loves it took a while to stop him from constantly getting out n walking about during night though lol
And we doing it all again in August 😂