Hi ladies!! I really need help here looking for some advice for my 3yr old daughter . I have started potty training her but it’s been absolute disaster. I know it’s only been the 2nd day and I need to be patient but she definitely seems scared to do it in the toilet. She just keeps wetting her pants. Even wen wearing a nappy she would never tell me if she had done a poo. It is very stressful. I have tried absolutely everything but just no luck! she has also started nursery this month. Should I speak to her nursery so they can also encourage her ?
potty training : Hi ladies!! I really... - Pregnancy and Par...
potty training

HwIf your little one isn't showing many signs of being ready to potty train, they might not be ready yet, especially if they're not telling you they've done a poo.I started putting mine on the potty a few times a day and having lots of nappy free time, and encouraging them to use the potty but didn't bother with knickers until they were confident using the potty and toilet and were telling me they need to go.
I kept them in nappies when we were out and about until they were going longer periods without accidents as I didn't want them to feel any pressure or stress if they had accidents.
There's a few books out there that might be helpful. I think one is the oh crap method and there's a nanny on YouTube called Nanny Amies who does a series on potty training.
All children are different though, both mine have been dry in the day since they were 2 , but my friends little boy wasn't at all interested until he was nearly 4 and suddenly just got it.
I remember starting my little girl and she didn’t take to it at all, we had a number of accidents. I read that if it doesn’t go well in the first 3/4 days then totally forget about it and go back to nappies. She obviously isn’t ready. Also the more worked up and stressed you get about it can also impact her.
I went back to nappies with my little girl for a couple of months and one day she pulled out her big girl knickers, I explained that if she wore them she had to use the potty and not pee her pants and I had no accidents at all from them on, so it was more on her terms rather than mine.
A few things I had read though that made sense. If they keep having accidents just go back to nappies for a few weeks / months and try again - it’s no big deal. Take her shopping to pick out her big girl pants.. When you do transition them don’t use both nappies and pants as this confuses them - example going on a long journey so I’ll stick you in a nappy. This is still giving them the message it’s okay to pee their pants.
It can be stressful but just try relax, if she’s not ready give her a break, she’ll get there eventually. The first experience with my little one was horrible and because I was getting stressed and annoyed at the wee and poo in her pants this then made it a negative experience for her.
Good luck x
I’ve been leaving her in knickers all day and then putting her nappy back on at night otherwise she will just wet the bed
Oh yeah bedtime you can’t train, that just comes naturally. Sorry if I confused you, I meant that during the day you shouldn’t switch between nappies and knickers. My little one was wearing nighttime nappies for a few months after she was fully trained during the day. When we had a few weeks of totally dry nappy we stopped the night time nappy then.
Yeah bedtime we can’t train, it will take a while, so for example I have her in her knickers all day , and at night I put her nappy back on isn’t that good to do? This is what my health visitor advised me to do aswell
So were you using bedtime nappies for ur little one at night ? Is that just like pull ups?
Yes that’s what I used to do. Make sure potty is part of the bedtime routine, try and encourage her to do a pee before bed or at least get her to sit on the potty for a nighttime wee but again don’t stress if she doesn’t do one and then put on her bedtime nappy. Yes I used to a pull up for bedtime so it was more like pants.
My daughter never showed any signs of “ being ready” but my friend gave me a book “ how to potty train in 3 days” and that said that doesn’t mean they are not ready. For us , we dedicated a week to not leaving the house and spent the first couple of days watching her like a hawk , following her around with the potty and putting her on as soon as she started to wee( then giving lots of praise and rewards when she went). After this, it seemed to click and within the week she had it cracked.
Thanku!! I’ll also try this
Did you use the potty which you can take in to any room? Or sit her on the actual toilet?
We used a potty, there’s no way she would have made it to the toilet!
Oh Okayyy, I think I’ll get a potty for her too as she keeps saying I want a baby shark potty! I’ve just been sitting her straight on to the toilet. I was just a bit worried incase she’d get too use to it and think it’s okay to just do it in the potty all the time.
Starting nursery and potty training in the same month might be a bit much. Maybe let her settle into nursery for a few months then try again, by then she may be properly ready as well. Xx
Our son showed no signs but I was due with his sister as he turned 3 and didn’t want 2 in nappies if I could help it so we started anyway. We used the oh crap method and I’d definitely recommend! Day 1 we didn’t get a single wee or poop in the potty and I was so stressed out but he was done by the end of the week (daytimes) and we did nighttime’s about 2 months later. Good luck, it’s horrible but so nice when you’re out the other side!
what Wer u doing at night times ? Was your son in nappies or pull ups
my daughter just cries wen i sit her on the toilet she just wants me to get her off 😪
Sorry what ???
Don’t know what your talking about.
It clearly says at the top pregnancy and parenting support . Maybe open ur eyes a little bit more .
There’s so many posts people have uploaded about potty training , pregnancy, scans etc .
And am calm LOL
Hi, I've just been reading through this thread, as I am in the exact same predicament as you! It's been so stressful. My little girl is 3 yes old too and we've been trying potty training for well over 6 months. Just wondered how you're getting on now?
6 months is quite a long time, I can imagine that it's frustrating at times especially when we put everything in to it and it can seem like nothing has changed, but just remember that the little people put just as much into it as well 🙂, it's a huge step for them and can be daunting to them to.Here's a couple of things I tried, first I made sure I was able to give it my 100% focus without any distractions or unnecessary stress from my day to day life (if that makes sense lol)
I got a few little books of the characters he liked at the time of them using the potty, one was actually bing bunny - I personally thought it was supper cute because he has an accident and it's says it's no big thing we can get you cleaned up, I think that helped my son,
I got a potty that looked liked a small toilet- that was never used just more as a toy because it had a pretend flusher 😂,
I actually skipped the pull ups because I got advance that pulls ups are made to hold 1 wee before it gets uncomfortable so it can confuse the little ones thinking that they can have one wee before it gets uncomfortable and needing to change,
My son actually preferred a small seat on the toilet so he knew he wasn't going to fall down it (bless lol) and a step so he wasn't to far away from the floor 🥰.
I would definitely say patience and communication is definitely the key for this, lots of praises even if they don't do anything, a well done I'm so proud of you helps encourage them 🙂,
Just remember that there's no time scale for it and ever child is different, they will be out of nappies eventually so take the pressure of yourself to 🙂🙂
Just pre-warn we do the privacy thing now so my son shouts when he's finished so I can make sure the water doesn't go hot when he's washing his hands, stock up on toilet roll 🙄🥴🫣😂