Can anyone give me any advice...... Im at my wits end! I started potty training my 4th child, boy, in January at 20 months. After 5 weeks I gave up as he wasnt telling me he needed the toilet, When i was taking him he went for a pee but he was having lots of accidents and never ever did a poo in the toilet just pees. I started training agin in June, he was 2yrs and 1 month. 5 full weeks into it and he will tell me he need the toilet to pee, will not poo on the toilet, always does it in his pants and tells me after it’s done and says yuck. This last week he is peeing his pants again. Is he not ready? Do I give up again? We are going on hols tomorrow and my husband says put pull ups on him and enjoy the holiday. I feel so deflated surely it should have “clicked” with him by now.... any advice at all would be so much appreciated x
Potty training saga: Can anyone give me... - Pregnancy and Par...
Potty training saga

Oh it’s not easy is it? I remember this was my second hardest thing I’ve done it after stopping breastfeeding🙈but from perspective was worth it.
We’ve trained our son at 23months Feb time. Before I’ve decided to do so if done some reading and tried to prepare myself and my son for it. I’ve certainly cut it liquid intake before night sleep. I’ve tried to give him last drink 2hrs before bedtime! Also stopped giving him milk at night, it was a process instead of milk if gave him water, he hated so soon (surprisingly) he dropped the bottle at night himself. This was not easy, he was still waking up demanding milk so I’ve tried distract him at night by different things but he got soon the routine.
When I’ve decided to start training I’ve packed up all remaining nappies away left only these for night time (I’ve decided not hustle myself with night training the same time but I’ve said already I’ve cut his drink intake anyway!).
At the start of the training I’ve removed nappies completely from my son during the day, and I’ve only put nappy on him for nap time of night-but I’ve worn them over his pants, this was the good trick as my son soon realised he’s getting wet, feels that same way as he was during the day. This was not easy often as he refused wear it nappies over his pants so I’ve done it often after he fell asleep. Don’t be pushed back if your baby will wake up then with cry, this is because they realise it’s wet for them so it’s not nice, they must notice the difference 😉
First two weeks was hiring for us too, my son was not cooperating we were exhausted but we continued. Someone told me if you decided once on this training no matter what don’t give up don’t return to nappies! I’ve followed this advice and soon after we got progress. Don’t expect however your baby to call on toilet I first few weeks after you started (some kids gets this quicker some not)! But you need to control this, I’ve done so this way that if I gave him drink I knew it he will need toilet within next 2hrs. My son was very good at holding it so that was our advantage, he also never needed toilet when he sat on his push chair of car seat, he even didn’t allowed me to put protective sheet on his car seat or pushchair! I’ve seen this as clever thing of him and although I’ve thought at times he ignores me he actually was working in his head how to adjust to new routine.
At first we were on catching mode, I’ve asked him constantly toilet time, he had me enough but by doing so it was recorded in his head the message and soon he was reporting this -at 23months kids just starting to communicate so they might be confused how to call or report it needs. Even if you achieve small success with potty training first you need to practice this, so from then on try to walk with your kid every 20-30min to toilet or potty whether he needs that on not, in time extend the time between the visits. Just to practice the routine
I then noticed that I did not need to train my boy for night and 6months after we started we dropped naturally nappies for nights as he was dry!
It’s hard work though, you need help of others to follow your same instructions and in time I’m sure you’ll get there. Nonetheless I think when I’ve trained my son at 23 months this was early not many kids gets that at this age! But it’s possible. You just need to be patient and routine and can’t give up quickly or mix the training with nappies ‘when needed’ not to confuse your kid. Avoid nappies at all chances as this is message to your kid some stage finished 😀
Good luck xxx
My nephew was weeing in the toilet from 2 but pooing was a different matter I look after him on a mon or tue and every time he’d poo in his pants was gross lol I haven’t had to clean poo for many years I was not impressed 🤣 eventually after months and months felt like years it just happened.
He's so young. What's the hurry? Wait a bit longer. We tried on and off with my first seemed ready before 2, little sister was born then which meant we stopped and tried again few times and failed. After she turned 3 we did it again and straight away she was fine within the week and was dry at night too.
I completely agree with lil one will be 3 yrs old this August...i was in a hurry to potty train him couple of months back as his mates at the childminders were off the dint work then..he had 3 - 4 accidents per day..i stopped then...started again a week he is completely off thr nappies except i would say jus wait until he is ready...he is too young now..
I know this is relatively old post but just wanted to share my experience. I would say you instinctively know when they ready. I felt pressured into potty training my son early as well and he just wasnt ready. He would have numerous accidents throughout the day and didn't understand when he needed to go. I gave up and tried again till just before he turned 3 and it was a breeze. He was trained within a day and we only put on pull ups during the night.