I need some advice please anyone who can! I started potty training my little one about 2 weeks ago shes 2 and half years old. She will happily sit on the potty and wear pants. But she's holding it in 😭 until i put a nappy on for her to go for a sleep and she fills it within minutes. I just don't know what else to do. I tried the toilet but she is scared. Any advice please 🙏 thank you.
Potty training: I need some advice... - Pregnancy and Par...
Potty training

I’ve trained my lb this week and just done no pants or nappy and let him be free. Then when he learnt to go on the potty we put pants on. How long is she holding it in for? Xx
Right i suppose I could try that and atleast 5 to 6 hours. But what does not help is she has speech delay so it makes it all the more frustrating for us all.
We did no pants or no nappy and my little girl was dry in 3 days after a couple of accidents on day 1.I would say it sounds like she isn’t quite ready yet. I waited til mine was a bit past being ready if that makes sense. I think doing it with no pants for a bit helps as sometimes the pants can confuse them like they think they’re still in a nappy or something. So we didn’t do pants til day 3. She just wore a dress. If she’s holding it in and is scared of the toilet I’d try again in a couple of months. So that you don’t spend too long with her getting any bad associations or getting a uti from holding it in x
Maybe she's not ready. Wait abit, it is quite normal for them to be potty trained closer to 3 years
My daughter did this, so we stopped and tried again age 3, and clicked within a week. She might not be ready, and especially if she has speech delay it will be difficult for her to express things.
With both of my children I waited till they were ready. First one was quick, 2 yo. Second one took his time and being 3yo finally we could start. With both of them I started with no pants, offering potty, singing potty songs etc. First one was super easy, as she stopped having wet nappies during the night, so I took if off earlier than day nappies. Second one had a nappy for few weeks on the night after potty training during a day. Finally I took them off as well. Bed mats everywhere where the accidents may happen. But wait for your child to be ready. It seams like some magic spell, but trust me, you'll notice the difference. They don't have to be verbal about it, one day they will just click and understand what to do. In that moment it's no longer difficult, stressful or long. Few days and your child will be nappy free, it just has to be the right time. Let her choose her potty, let her play with it before she will sit on it and use it. Don't rush her, as it will take much longer if the child is not ready, may cause them to hold for too long. And making the experience really unpleasant.
Hi I am having the same problem I'm stumped as to what to do next
Well I have decided to call it a day. And wait until shes ready. The stress and pressure that she had and we had was not worth putting her through it. I have kept the potty out and kept up the sticker chart for it and just going to wait and see if she shows an interest herself. Since I stopped the training she is alot happier and calmer unlike before her behaviour changed so dramatically. Yes I understand its a big change for them, but if that change is really upsetting your child to the point where she will not have an accident as she holds it in and causes more problems for herself ( infections)then am sorry but that's it hands up! We quit. And we are proud of our decision. So I do hope you find the right path or choice for you 🙏 🙂 xx
She has been asking to go potty since she was about 1 month old. I always told her it was just a phase, and she would grow out of it. It has taken longer than expected, but now she is showing signs of maturing into a clean diaper-wearer. It is clear to me that potty training teaches children independence and teaches parents how to teach. The guys from global360degrees.com/ started a campaign about it. I am so excited about this turn of events and can't wait to show her the world around her how things are changing.