Hello readers. 5 weeks 5 days pregnant with my 4th child. Having period like cramps for the past week and today slight brown blood spotting. Please let me know if this is normal. Never experienced any cramps with the others.
Cramping 6 weeks : Hello readers.... - Pregnancy and Par...
Cramping 6 weeks

Hi Hunni, I hope your ok ! I would say just keep an eye on the brown spotting your having and if the cramps are really bad you can go to A&E! But spotting can also be normal being the first few weeks they call it implantation bleeding and cramps but if your in pain or it gets worse I would go to the hospital or gp to put your mind at ease , they might give you an internal scan or blood tests to check you HCG , I know it’s easily said than done but try to relax, lie in bed with a hot water bottle wrapped and a hot chocolate , but rest and see how you are in the morning if the pain isn’t too bad! I wish you all the best xx
Hey, I had cramps with both of mine, if they are mild it's nothing to worry about, if it's severe pain then I'd call the early pregnancy unit. Brown spotting is usually nothing to worry about(implementation), fresh blood and clots are the concern however I had that in my 2nd pregnancy (now 16+3) and it was just a sensitive cervix so I wouldn't panic. Hope all is OK. Call the early pregnancy unit or community midwife if you are worried.
Hi hun. I know how you feel.. it happened to me 2 weeks ago i got 4 boys. I bled 2 weeks ago at just short of six weeks! I had to go hospital a&e and then got transferred to have a scan and all was Ok! I got told it happens? Please call nhs direct?
Apparently it happens alot. Yet I never knew it ☹. Hope all goes well? Please let me know how you get on? X
I’ve had cramping in all 3, and brown bleeding 3 times in this one at 6 weeks too, had a scan and all was fine. Speak to your GP to put your mind at rest? Was it spontaneous or was it after something? Mine happened after sex. Hope all is okay x
I hope your doing ok Hun x