I have been suffering with cramp that has gotten increasingly worse over the last couple of days. They are just like period cramps but with an occasional sharp sting. Is this normal? I am 5w+6 and am scared coz i miscarried in march at 5weeks. I have no bleeding but some discharge (sowwi for tmi) any help appreciated as its driving me crackers with worry
cramping at approx 6weeks pregnant? - Pregnancy and Par...
cramping at approx 6weeks pregnant?

Has it eased off now? I had period type pains in early pregnancy this time but it eased of after a couple of days. Discharge is ok as long as you don't start bleeding.
Hi there - I had the same thing between 5 and 6 weeks - this is how I found out I was preggy. They checked me out and everything was fine - obviously just body changing. I would say go and get it checked out just to be on the safe side!!! Good luck and let me know how it goes x
I also had these sensations like twinges at around the same stage of pregnancy. All the information I have read states that it is the uterus stretching, I also had sharp shooting pains in my lower abdomen but that is all normal... All due to uterus growth & ligaments stretching x
Hello, I too had lots of cramps and the odd sharp one a bit like a knitting needle in early stages, so I would agree with these ladies that it's a good sign! xx
yay thankies ladies, that really helps the pains have subsided now, although i still have the odd niggle cramp here and there, they are absolutely fine. spoke to my doc over the telephone and she said exactly same, growing pains. xx much luv to u all and thanks so much