Hello I’m 5 weeks pregnant and I woke up yesterday to some bleeding by night time it developed some clots, around 5 or 6 small clots. I thought in the morning it would be over but I’m still bleeding. Could this be a sign of implementation or is it a sign of miscarriage? I had severe cramps yesterday and today they’re still there but more mild.. should I be worried?
5 weeks pregnancy blood: Hello I’m... - Pregnancy and Par...
5 weeks pregnancy blood

Hi Sachee, sorry to hear about the bleeding, which can be worrying and confusing. My thoughts are that whilst spotting and some bleeding in early pregnancy can be normal I wouldn’t consider your bleeding to be implantation bleeding as this usually isn’t heavy or prolonged. Because you’re seeing clots, having continuous and prolonged bleeding and are experiencing cramps I would suggest that you contact your local EPU or your GP. It may well be that’s everything’s fine, but better to be safe. Wishing u all the best...x
Hey! I hope you’re okay. My advice would be to go and get it checked out just to be on the safe side.
It’s not implantation bleeding as this has to happen before a positive pregnancy test shows up.
Although bleeding can be normal, get checked to be on the safe side x
implantation bleeding happens before the 5th week?
Yes...You must have the implantation to get HCG (pregnancy hormone) which then leads on to a positive pregnancy test- a few days after implantation. So if you’ve already had a positive test, implantation would have been a week or two ago at least... Hope this helps!
I woke up today to find dripping blood and a big clot probably the size of a chicklets gum along with a tiny stringy clot is this normal?
Hi this is not normal.
I agree with above that implantation bleeding is usually before or around when the period is due and in the form of spotting that it is often mistaken for a light period.
Secondly any bleeding or bleeding with cramping, blood clots in pregnancy should get checked out asap. As blood clots could mean that you are passing the pregnancy tissue.
I have had implantation bleeding that started the day I was due my period, it was light and turned into spotting that got lighter/less by the day.
I also have had 5 early miscarriages (and a stillbirth before my rainbow who is now 3 months) some of them have either started with just cramping then bleeding whilst some started bleeding first then cramps but all of them I passed blood clots, some small some the size of 50 pence.
The bleeding is consistent to fill a sanitary pad or gets heavier and the cramping is the same as period pains.
I hope you can get to an Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) or A+E (they can also transfer you there) asap.
I wish you all the best, and if you need to talk or a listening ear I'm just an inbox away xx